Written on Jan 1, 2018
Follow the Link is a fun book showing the historical connections in science and technology from prehistory to the present (and a glimpse of potential future innovations) aimed at young to middle readers (aged 7-12). The book starts with a background explanation of electricity and arrows move the reader along paths to explain those innovations and progress from early (non-scientific) reasons for natural phenomena to modern day concepts such as radio, electromagnets and smartphones.
Along the way, sidebar arrows and pictures describe all sorts of fun trivia (Donner & Blitzen's names translate to Thunder and Lightning, for example).
The text by Tom Jackson is well and clearly written, if somewhat frenetic. There is so much information that it seems scattered and random at times. Nick Shepherd's art is very simple, appealing, and colorful and the arrows and paths give the potentially overwhelming text a little more structure and flow.
Follow the Link is 80 pages, hardbound, and includes a useful timeline, glossary, and index. Published by Quarto - QEB Publishing.
It would definitely appeal to science interested youngsters and fun-leaning adults.
Four stars. Interesting material, well presented in a fun manner.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher