This ILT Series manual for Visio 2003 Professional Advanced is designed for students to become proficient in creating advanced flowcharts, controlling their drawings, and using OLE objects. The manual is designed for quick scanning in the classroom and filled with interactive exercises that help ensure student success.
This ILT Series course teaches students how to use e-mail effectively. Students will learn how to write effective messages and e-policies, use e-mail accessories and passwords, and prevent your password from being stolen. Course activities also cover using the subject line, considering your recipient, managing e-mail volume, following netiquette guidelines, attaching files, preparing for recipient reactions, and using emoticons effectively. Students also learn about the differences between writing online and traditional paper-based writing, achieving e-mail message objectives, using correct punctuation, constructing effective sentences and paragraphs, editing your e-mail messages, and using active voice in writing. The manual is designed for quick scanning in the classroom and filled with interactive exercises that help ensure student success.