Book 1


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 August 1996
Discover the joys of authentic Christianity. God wants you to enjoy close relationships with other believers and with Himself. Relationships that are honest and open, where you can share your successes and failures and remain confidant of being loved. Deep, rich relationships based on an authentic Christian life. Authenticity helps you identify the trappings of Christianity and trade them for a vibrant faith that integrates Christian values into your everyday life. You'll learn how to identify the inconsistent areas of your life, discover proven ways to align them with the teachings of the Bible, and find a new joy that comes from growing closer to God. Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 2


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 August 1996
For a partnership that's close and strong.Want to strengthen your marriage but unsure how to start? Marriage will help you and your spouse draw insight from one another and from the other couples in your group to build the kind of close relationship you've always wanted. Whether you need to stabilize shaky foundations or just want to make a good marriage even better, here's how to * Get the most from you and your partner's different personality traits using a brief, eye-opening self test * Weed out common "romance busters" that drain the excitement from your marriage * Resolve conflicts quickly using a simple three-step peace process* Prevent daily responsibilities from robbing you of real intimacy . . . and more. Marriage will help you and your mate not only recapture the thrill in your marriage, but also maintain and build upon it to create a satisfying, lasting relationship-the kind God designed you both to enjoyInteractions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 3


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 August 1996

Book 4


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 August 1996
Reap the rewards of close bonds with others.All of us hunger for genuine community-for meaningful relationships in our lives. Without community, we wither inside. Deep, transparent relationships help us grow into all God created us to be. In Community, you'll learn how you can forge strong, meaningful ties with others and with God. You'll find out how to move beyond superficial relationships and build lasting friendships. You'll learn how to debug common, harmful relational "viruses" in yourself and set healthy boundaries that will protect you from the viruses of others. Finally, you'll discover the importance of extending community to those who haven't experienced God's love for them. Discover a richer depth in your relationships. Community will help you build friendship, marriage, and family bonds that are satisfying and lasting.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 5


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 August 1996

Book 6

What kind of love makes a difference?A bold yet compassionate love is a trademark of Jesus Christ. Love without limits. A world-changing love. Can such love be reproduced in the lives of sinful men and women like us? Is it possible to follow Jesus' model of giving and receiving love? In Lessons on Love, you'll find out how. You'll learn about the various kinds of love, beginning with forms of love you'll recognize-and ending with a supernatural love so awesome it can utterly transform lives. Christ's love. The world around you will take note when you unleash the power of Christ's love-and it will never be the same.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 7

The Real You

by Bill Hybels

Published 1 August 1996

Book 8

What does it mean to be truly committed to Christ?Jesus' answer to that question forms perhaps the greatest sermon ever delivered. In Commitment, you'll revisit the Sermon on the Mount to discover practical ways for assessing your present level of commitment and setting goals for its growth.You'll find out what the Master expects from those who follow Him and what rewards await them. You'll also learn how to sidestep common barriers to commitment and draw closer to Christ than you've ever thought possible. As you explore the themes of Jesus' famous sermon and apply them to your own relationship with God, you'll discover the confidence that comes from being fully committed to Christ.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 9

It takes the power of God to produce the character of God.Putting others' needs ahead of our own: it's the ultimate expression of love-and the hardest. Fortunately, we don't have to go it alone. In Fruit of the Spirit, you'll learn about the life-transforming qualities God wants to cultivate inside you. And you'll discover the supernatural Agent who empowers you to attain them: the Holy Spirit, working within you to produce each kind of spiritual "fruit."In the Holy Spirit's power, you can live a supernatural life that transforms every relationship you have. And in the process, you'll discover the one route to a truly satisfying life: serving others.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 10


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1997
Jesus is someone you need to know.Teacher. Physician. Servant. Shepherd. King. Jesus filled each of these roles in His walk on earth-revealing in them all a richly accessible identification with our humanity in His role as a Man. In Jesus, you'll explore these six roles one by one to arrive at a better understanding of the character and person of Christ.Each study is another brushstroke in a compelling portrait of the Master-one that will come alive inside you and make a practical difference in your life. You'll discover the opportunities that await you every day to have an impact for Jesus. But best of all, you'll grow closer to him than ever before.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 11


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1997
Team up with God for the project of your life.Right now, God is ready to transform your life. But He wants your partnership. The strength and guidance for transformation come from Him-but the "green light" can only come from you.Transformation will help you recognize and cooperate with God's transforming influence in your life. Each session focuses on a critical area He has targeted for change and growth. You'll learn proven ways of responding to God's guidance that will keep you growing closer to Him. You'll also discover an inspiring picture of what awaits you as a fully devoted follower-membership in a joyous, supportive community of believers, infused with God's love.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 12


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1997

Book 13


by Bill Hybels

Published 28 June 1994
It's time to make time for God. The Creator of the universe wants to have a dynamic relationship with you. The key is prayer. Authentic, courageous, direct communication with God. Each session in Prayer will give you a new window of insight. You'll receive courage to lift "dangerous prayers" with a confident heart. You'll discover how to handle the disappointment of unanswered prayer. And you'll be moved to a depth of honesty in prayer that will surprise you. If you long for a spiritual life that is deep, fruitful, and profoundly real, these studies will help you draw heart to heart with God.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 14


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1997

Book 15


by Bill Hybels

Published 4 July 1994
There are no discount character stores.Courage. Discipline. Confidence. Patience. Endurance. Contentment. They're qualities that can take a lifetime to acquire. Qualities money can't buy. But here's good news: God says you can have them all!In Character, you will discover how firmly God is committed to forming noble qualities within you. He wants your character to deepen even more than you do-and He has the power to do something about it! If you're ready to journey toward the kind of character you've always admired, here is a path of radical, God-empowered change and growth-and a transformed, more Christlike you.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 16


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1997

Book 17

Essential Christianity

by Kevin Harney and Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1998
The essentials of faith. You can build a life on them.Like a house built on a firm foundation, the Christian faith is founded on some key, enduring truths. Do you know what they are? If not, you owe it to yourself to find out whether you're building your life-and your eternity-on solid ground.Essential Christianity is your invitation to spiritual discussion with others as you explore the basics of faith-principles deeper and more far-reaching than you may have imagined. You'll learn what it means to really know Christ. You'll discover the secret to confident living, how to grow spiritually, how to handle your failures, how to follow Jesus in a world that's anything but devoted to Him, and the different ways God wants to guide you in the practical concerns of life.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 18

Getting a Grip

by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1998
How to gain traction when you're out of control.If you drive anywhere in the snow belt, you probably know the feeling: rear wheels fishtailing, steering useless, brakes ineffective-you're out of control. The good news is, life doesn't have to be like a car on ice. Bill Hybels offers biblical insights and practical steps to securing a Christ-centered life that will get you where you want to go.Getting a Grip guides you toward wise choices and disciplined action in five vital areas of your life: your time, your health, your finances, your spiritual life, and your relationships. As you learn what the Bible has to say about each of these, you'll discover how able and eager Jesus is to help you obtain solid traction on the road of life.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Book 19


by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1998

Book 20

Serving Lessons

by Bill Hybels

Published 1 September 1998