Discover an identity that fits you for kingdom service.As a Christian, you have received more than God's forgiveness. You also have a brand new identity! You are a new creation in Christ, with fresh and exciting privileges and responsibilities. And God wants you to walk confidently in this identity, serving Him with joy and energy in your various roles as* A son or daughter of God* A saint of God* A soldier of God* An ambassador of God* A friend of God* A manager of God's resourcesNew Identity gives you a close-up view of these different roles and equips you with the sound biblical insights you need to fulfill them. You'll discover new ways to make your citizenship in God's kingdom a daily reality right where you live. Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

How do you hand the tough challenges of parenting?Parenting. Nothing gives us more joy-or greater challenges. "How do I balance my work and family time? What's the best way to handle my teenager's attitude? Can I do a better job of raising my kids?"Parenting helps you and your groups tackle the thorny issues parents face today. Each session covers a topic that's key to effective parenting, from raising well-balanced kids to overcoming the mistakes you make along the way. This practical, hands-on discussion guide helps you create a home where children can thrive. You'll develop confidence and competence in your God-entrusted role as a parent and enjoy watching your kids grow into vibrant, godly adults.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Be set free to pursue God's purpose for your life. God wants to set you free. No more bondage. No more fear. No more living as a slave to sin. Sound like a dream? God is in the business of making these kinds of dreams a reality. He is committed to giving you a life of incredible significance, and he has already done all that is necessary to break the chains that keep you from it. In Significance, you will discover a strategy for becoming all God wants you to be. God has a plan for you to walk in tremendous purpose, and he has provided the power needed to put this plan into action. But first, the chains that hold you back must be destroyed. This series of studies maps out God's road to freedom and significance. Every journey begins with one step. Are you ready to take it? Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

You probably don't think of yourself as an evangelist.Most Christians would rather leave evangelism to a select few with "special talent" for outreach. But when Christ gave the command to spread the Gospel, He gave it to us all. Because He knew we'd each have something unique to offer as His witnesses to the world. In Reaching Out, Bill Hybels helps you develop your own evangelism style-one that fits your personality like a glove. You'll discover the meaning and importance of sharing your faith and learn the motivation and mind-set behind evangelism. You'll also get the solid guidance and seasoned tips you need to put it all into motion successfully. As you walk through this proven, highly effective approach, you'll find your hesitations melting into an enthusiasm for winning lost men and women to Christ.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.


by Bill Hybels

Published 22 December 2009
YOUR LIFE MEANS MORE THAN YOU KNOWGod wants you to be a world changer ... starting right where you are today. Your acts of service, words of truth, love for God, care for people, and all you do each day can have a transformational impact on the people around you. In a world filled with darkness and discouragement, the light of heaven can shine through you.Jesus was the most influential person in human history. He brought joy to the sorrowful, hope to the broken, purpose to the wandering, and forgiveness to all who would receive Him. The ministry of Jesus continues today. One way the Savior brings His world-changing message to this generation is through you and me. It's time for us to let the Holy Spirit flow freely. It's time to influence the world with the love of Jesus. It's time to maximize our impact for God!

Excellent Living

by Bill Hybels

Published 22 December 2009
MOVE PAST "GOOD ENOUGH" TO EXCELLENTJesus modeled an excellent life. No person has ever lived with greater passion and love. When it was time to go to the cross, Jesus walked the hill of Calvary with excellent compassion and grace. Those who follow in the steps of Jesus hear the invitation to be like Him and embrace the joy of excellent living.What does it look like when we seek to give God our best? It means aligning every part of our lives with His will. It means dreaming about a future that will be shaped by the holy hands of God. No part of our journey is outside of His view and touch. In the power of Jesus we can live excellent lives on every level: spiritually, morally, relationally, financially, directionally, and eternally. This kind of life honors God and leads to the greatest joy possible.

Celebrating God

by Bill Hybels

Published 22 December 2009

ARE YOU READY TO CELEBRATE? A stadium full of football fans jump to their feet and cheer with deafening volume when a game-winning pass is caught. Family members gather every year to give gifts and sing choruses of Happy Birthday. Friends congregate just to have a party ... they hardly need a reason. In the Bible God instituted festivals and feasts. There is something in the human spirit that loves to rejoice, shout, and celebrate ... and God likes it that way. We were created for celebration, and the focal point of our praise should always be God. When we get glimpses of His character, expressions of joy should spontaneously erupt. God is a refuge; He is generous and righteous, full of extravagant love toward us. The Maker of heaven and earth is relational, He guides us, and He will never leave us. It's time to discover God's character and make Him the focal point of our celebration.

Love in Action

by Bill Hybels

Published 26 July 2005
Discover the joy of serving others.How can you identify full devoted followers of Christ? Their servant lifestyle gives them away! In our "me-first" culture, servanthood is the earmark of men and women who have discovered the joy of giving. But the secret to servanthood isn't running yourself ragged trying to be everything to everyone-it's pouring freely out of a full cup the things you were designed to give.Love in Action shows how you can break the back of self-centeredness and experience the satisfaction of serving others wisely and effectively. You'll discover how sharing your unique personal resources and spiritual gifts can become a source of strength to others, worship and praise to God, and a personal delight that nothing else can match!Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Meeting God

by Bill Hybels

Published 26 July 2005
True stories about the highs and lows of life with God.What is it about the Psalms that creates their ageless appeal? What draws us to them time and again to find courage, hope, and joy? Perhaps it's the way these ancient songs so faithfully mirror our own experience. With depth and passion, the Psalms reflect the many-faceted relationship between humans and God in the ever-changing proving grounds of life. In Meeting God, you'll learn about God's heart toward you-and what He looks for in your heart toward Him. You'll find a road map for life. Discover a source of courage in the face of fear. Expand your heart with a fresh realization of God's greatness. And deepen your relationship with a very present, personal Creator.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

The path to satisfying relationships is clear. And rarely taken. We all long for close relationships. Bonds so secure that we can be completely honest and vulnerable. But often, we keep our relationships at a safe-and shallow-level. We avoid the risk of revealing all that's in our hearts. God wants us to take that risk. His reward for doing so is the satisfaction of true, deep community. If you're ready to experience that joy, The Real Deal will help you move beyond your fears into the realm of knowing others and being known by them. Each session will carefully assist you in peeling away the disguises that prevent you from being your truest, freest self. Get ready for a life-changing adventure in developing richer, more meaningful relationships with God, with others, and with yourself.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Here's help to get over life's 20-foot walls.A career blow, panic attacks, overwhelming grief, sexual temptation, even plain old apathy-life's tough challenges take many forms. Following Jesus doesn't guarantee immunity. Rather, it offers growth and victory as you face your personal struggles in the power of Christ.In Living in God's Power, Bill Hybels lends a hand to help you move beyond six tough hurdles: adversity, fear, apathy, greed, lust, and sorrow. As you unite the hope and insight of Scripture with the support of the people in your group, you'll find strength to overcome the things in your life you thought would never change.Interactions-a powerful and challenging tool for building deep relationships between you and your group members, and you and God. Interactions is far more than another group Bible study. It's a cutting-edge series designed to help small group participants develop into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Big Questions

by Bill Hybels

Published 22 December 2009
A PERSPECTIVE LIKE NO OTHERLife is filled with big questions, and it seems everyone has a different answer. Whether from pop culture, political figures, conventional wisdom, or our friends, we are inundated with conflicting advice and opinions. Where can we go to find clear answers to the confusing issues we face? God is ready to give us the wisdom and insight needed to navigate the questions that seem too big for us: • Will wars ever cease?• Can our planet survive?• How do I balance life’s demands?• Is God really out there?• Does God hear my prayers?• Aren’t all religions the same?Answers to these questions are not simple. Only God has the vantage point needed to help us. He has a perspective like no other. God made the universe and holds it in His hands. He alone can answer our toughest questions.