Fundamentals Of Solid State Electronics + Solution Manual + Study Guide
by Chih Tang Sah
This proceedings brings together 59 selected articles presented at the joint conferences of the International Conference on Management, Information and Communication (ICMIC2016) and the International Conference on Optics and Electronics Engineering (ICOEE2016), which were held in Guilin, China, during May 28-29, 2016.ICMIC2016 and ICOEE2016 provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their latest findings and...
Electrical and Thermal Characterization of MESFETs, HEMTs and HBTs (Microwave Library)
by Robert Anholt
This work provides a comprehensive discussion of the bias dependence of equivalent circuit parameters for the three devices and an extensive discussion of temperature dependence. It: covers recess-etched MESFETs and self-aligned MESFETs with and without lightly-doped-drains and JFETs; analyzes GaAs-based pHEMTS and InP lattice-matched HEMT equivalent circuits; and describes a large-signal, temperature-dependent model extractor for A1GaAs-GaAs HBTs. The book is intended for circuit designers, pro...
1997 IEEE Gaas IC Symposium
The papers from this symposium cover the challenges to the practicing design and product engineer, such as low power requirements, lighter weight and less bulk, all coupled to ever higher frequencies of operation.
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
by Yannis Tsividis and Colin McAndrew
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor has become a standard in academia and industry. Extensively revised and updated, the third edition of this highly acclaimed text provides a thorough treatment of the MOS transistor-the key element of modern microelectronic chips. New to this Edition: * Energy bands and the energy barrier viewpoint are integrated into the discussion in a smooth, simple manner * Expanded discussion of small-dimension effects, including velocity saturation, drain-induced...
The first textbook to provide in-depth treatment of electroceramics with emphasis on applications in microelectronics, magneto-electronics, spintronics, energy storage and harvesting, sensors and detectors, magnetics, and in electro-optics and acousto-optics Electroceramics is a class of ceramic materials used primarily for their electrical properties. This book covers the important topics relevant to this growing field and places great emphasis on devices and applications. It provides sufficien...
Vacuum Nanoelectronic Devices
by Anatoliy Evtukh, Hans Hartnagel, Oktay Yilmazoglu, Hidenori Mimura, and Dimitris Pavlidis
Introducing up-to-date coverage of research in electron field emission from nanostructures, Vacuum Nanoelectronic Devices outlines the physics of quantum nanostructures, basic principles of electron field emission, and vacuum nanoelectronic devices operation, and offers as insight state-of-the-art and future researches and developments. This book also evaluates the results of research and development of novel quantum electron sources that will determine the future development of vacuum nanoelect...
2019-2023 Five Year Planner (2019-2020 Calendar Planner, #3)
by Lora McNeil
Optical Interconnects (Synthesis Lectures on Solid State Materials and Devices)
by Ray T. Chen and Chulchae Choi
This book describes fully embedded board level optical interconnect in detail including the fabrication of the thin-film VCSEL array, its characterization, thermal management, the fabrication of optical interconnection layer, and the integration of devices on a flexible waveguide film. All the optical components are buried within electrical PCB layers in a fully embedded board level optical interconnect. Therefore, we can save foot prints on the top real estate of the PCB and relieve packaging d...
For undergraduate electrical engineering students or for practicing engineers and scientists, interested in updating their understanding of modern electronics. One of the most widely used introductory books on semiconductor materials, physics, devices and technology, this text aims to: 1) develop basic semiconductor physics concepts, so students can better understand current and future devices; and 2) provide a sound understanding of current semiconductor devices and technology, so that thei...
Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Converters
by Albert Ting Leung Lee, Weijian Jin, Siew-Chong Tan, and Ron Shu Yuen Hui
The book provides a comprehensive overview of Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Converters from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Based on the authors’ in-depth research, the volume covers not only conventional SIMO DC-DC converters but also the new generations of SIMO such as SIMO AC-DC converters, SIMO DC-AC converters (or SIMO inverters), and the latest SIMO hybrid converters. This book offers a holistic and systematic presentation of all types of SIMO converters, encompassing the d...
Quantum mechanics is the foundation of modern technology, due to its innumerable applications in physics, chemistry and even biology. This second volume studies Schrödingers equation and its applications in the study of wells, steps and potential barriers. It examines the properties of orthonormal bases in the space of square-summable wave functions and Dirac notations in the space of states. This book has a special focus on the notions of the linear operators, the Hermitian operators,...
Here, the experienced author, Ed Wolf, introduces the current situation and presents a guide to the new possibilities for computing technology. This textbook is the first to handle those important areas not covered in existing books on nanoelectronics, such as quantum computing and alternative energy technology. Intended to be self-contained for students with two years of calculus-based college physics, with corresponding fundamental knowledge in mathematics, computing and chemistry. Cover graph...
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The Latest Silicon-on-Sapphire CMOS Design and Fabrication TechniquesDevelop high-performance SOS-based microsystems. Filled with examples, schematics, and charts, Silicon-on-Sapphire Circuits and Systems covers the latest analog and mixed-signal IC design techniques. Learn how to assemble SOI/SOS circuits and...
This is the definitive starting point for people who want to get up and running with Parallax's Propeller platform. The Propeller is a unique architecture among microcontrollers and will be interesting to folks who have mastered Arduino and need a bit more power and flexibility. The Propeller has the ability to do things in software for which an Arduino-based solution would need additional hardware. Parallax released the Propeller microcontroller in 2006 as a follow-up to their BASIC Stamp modul...
Modeling & Characterization of Nonlinear RF and Microwave Systems (Electrical Engineering)
by Al Walker
This is perhaps the most comprehensive undergraduate textbook on the fundamental aspects of solid state electronics. It presents basic and state-of-the-art topics on materials physics, device physics, and basic circuit building blocks not covered by existing textbooks on the subject. Each topic is introduced with a historical background and motivations of device invention and circuit evolution. Fundamental physics is rigorously discussed with minimum need of tedious algebra and advanced mathemat...
New Topics in Simulation and Modeling of RF Circuits
by Alexandru Gheorghe and Florin Constantinescu
New Topics in Simulation and Modeling of RF Circuits addresses two main topics: simulation of RF circuits and new models of nonlinear power BAW resonators and filters.Since RF circuits have several unique features, and all analysis methods are based on the circuit essential properties, the book begins by describing the properties of RF circuits, characterization of circuits with customary and uncustomary behavior and some theorems of solutions existence and uniqueness for dynamic nonlinear circu...
Describing the fundamental physical properties of materials used in electronics, the thorough coverage of this book will facilitate an understanding of the technological processes used in the fabrication of electronic and photonic devices. The book opens with an introduction to the basic applied physics of simple electronic states and energy levels. Silicon and copper, the building blocks for many electronic devices, are used as examples. Next, more advanced theories are developed to better acco...