From Perturbative to Constructive Renormalization (Princeton Legacy Library) (Princeton Series in Physics)
by V. Rivasseau
The last decade has seen striking progress in the subject of renormalization in quantum field theory. The old subject of perturbative renormalization has been revived by the use of powerful methods such as multiscale decompositions; precise estimates have been added to the initial theorems on finiteness of renormalized perturbation theory, with new results on its large order asymptotics. Furthermore, constructive field theory has reached one of its major goals, the mathematically rigorous constr...
'No budding ornithologist should be without Matt Sewell's Atlas of Amazing Birds... sumptuous illustrations and brief captions tell us all we need to know' The Telegraph Matt Sewell, creator of Our Garden Birds, presents his personal selection of the most amazing birds from around the world, with dazzling watercolour illustrations, witty and informative descriptions and maps of every continent. Did you know that the bald eagle holds the record for the world's biggest nest - weighing more th...
Reminiscent of the finest contemporary natural history writing, The Rites of Autumn splendidly evokes the uniqueness of the American West, while at the same time introducing the reader to a fascinating cast of characters and to the lore and legend of falconry.
Les Ailes Du Sahel
by Le Zwarts, Rob G. Bijlsma, Jan Kamp, and Eddy Wymenga
A house for Hermit Crab (World of Eric Carle) (Ready-To-Read: Level 2)
by Eric Carle
A modern-day fable based on the true habits of the hermit crab, this story also addresses the problem of growing up - "it's time to move", says Hermit Crab, "I've grown too big for this little shell". This picture book has colourful collage illustrations characteristic of the author, who is best known as the creator of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".
"The Thing with Feathers by Noah Strycker is a fun and profound look at the lives of birds, illuminating their surprising world--and deep connection with humanity"--
A Check-List of the Birds of Keyhaven-Lymington and Milford-on-Sea
by Ed Wiseman
Updated Edition—Ten Years Later The scene of this enchanting (and true) story is the Ramble, an unknown wilderness deep in the heart of New York's fabled Central Park. There an odd and amiable band of nature lovers devote themselves to observing and protecting the park's rich wildlife. When a pair of red-tailed hawks builds a nest atop a Fifth Avenue apartment house across the street from the model-boat pond, Marie Winn and her fellow "Regulars" are soon transformed into obsessed hawkwatchers....
Learn the how’s and why’s of bird behavior, from flirtatious mating practices and gorgeous birdsong to flying south for the winter. In this lively reference book, Laura Erickson addresses hundreds of real-life questions sent in to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the world’s foremost authority on birds. With expert advice on bird watching techniques and equipment, feeding and housing birds, protecting habitats, and much more, Erickson guides you through the intricacies of the avian world with a c...
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 29
by Max Schoenwetter
A charismatic and arresting bird, the Painted Stork inhabits the plains and wetlands of India and Southeast Asia. This near-threatened species provides a good model through which to explore a variety of ecology and conservation issues. As a colonial nester, it is also useful for considering questions related to evolution and the development of avian coloniality. The Painted Stork sometimes nests opportunistically in the middle of large cities – the Delhi Zoo colony, for instance, has been active...
The Minds of Birds (The Louise Lindsey Merrick natural environment)
by Alexander F. Skutch
In this controversial culmination of a lifelong quest, Alexander F. Skutch, a well-known ornithologist who has studied birds for more than sixty years, makes a case for "believing that birds' mental capacities have been grossly underestimated." Lacking hard scientific proofs of what birds think and feel, we are left, Skutch argues, with inferences gleaned from observation of their behavior. His intimate, six-decade study of tropical and north temperate birds and his wide survey of the literature...
The Breeding Birds of Hertfordshire (Natural history of Hertfordshire)
A concise guide to products, places, organizations, periodicals, and more for birders today.
As oil was washing up on the shores of Louisiana, coveringshorebirds and their nests and eggs after the Deepwater Horizondisaster, Lynn Barber decided to write this book to heightenawareness, not only of the plight of bird species that are decliningin numbers every year, but also of the ways in which the birds wesee every day may also face the same fate. First explaining the idea of birds “in trouble”—and what thatmeans in terms of population, conservation status, and nationaland international...
There's nothing like a puffin, right? Except soon there may not be anything like a puffin left in the United Kingdom. In 2015, the International Union for Conservation of Nature added the Atlantic puffin to the Red List of Threatened Species for birds. This book is a journey to find the last strongholds of the most enigmatic birds in the United Kingdom. Every last puffin. It's a story of scouting for puffins on the remote Hebridean outpost of St Kilda, where they used to be found on dinner tab...