58 books • 11 series
True Story: A Trilogy (American Literature)
Survivor`s Notebook – Poems
Hume on Testimony (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy)
Our Cancers
A Story that Happens
Key West
The Angel in the Trees and Other Monologues
Fine Meshwork (Irish Studies)
Westlake (The Westlake Chronicles, #0)
The House in Scarsdale
Great Plains Bison (Discover the Great Plains)
Dan O'Brien: Plays One (Oberon Modern Playwrights)
Sixth Prime
New Life
Mobsters, Monsters & Nazis
Wild Idea
Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency
The Body of an American
A Very Dystopian Holiday Reader
Hume's Critique of Religion
Hume's Critique of Religion: 'Sick Men's Dreams' (The New Synthese Historical Library, #72)