Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy (Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy)
Volumes in this series cover progress and innovation in optical and electron microscopy at a fundamental level aimed at microscopists, and researchers interested in microscope instrumentation and applications rangingfrom biological techniques to materials research and industrial inspection.
Electron Microscopy and Holography II. Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Volume 122.
Replica, Shadowing and Freeze-Etching Techniques (Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy)
Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy (Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy)
Thin Foil Preparation for Electron Microscopy (Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy)
by P. J. Goodhew
This comprehensive volume covers all the commonly-used techniques for preparing thin specimens for transmission electron microscopy in materials science. Full descriptions are given of both simple laboratory techniques and sophisticated commercial thinning equipment for electropolishing, ion beam milling and replica making.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (Springer Series in Optical Sciences, #36) (Series in Optical Sciences, v. 36)
by Ludwig Reimer
The aim of this book is to present the theory of image and contrast formation and the analytical modes in transmission electron microscopy. The principles of particle and wave optics of electrons are described. Electron-specimen interactions are discussed for evaluating the theory of scattering and phase contrast. Also discussed are the kinematical and dynamical theories of electron diffraction and their applications for crystal structure determination and imaging of lattice defects. X-ray micro...
Introduction to Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
by Robert J. Keyse, Anthony J. Garratt-Reed, P. J. Goodhew, and Prof Gordon Lorimer
STEM is a discipline of importance to a growing number of microscopists. This book is essential reading for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers requiring an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to this rapidly growing, state of the art technique.
Electron Microscopy in Biology (Wiley-Interscience Publication)
by Jack D. Griffith
Holographic Microscopy of Phase Microscopic Objects: Theory and Practice
by Tatyana Tishko, Tishko Dmitry, and Titar Vladimir
Electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) is an immensely powerful method of characterizing microstructure. The technique is used in many scanning electron microscopes to examine the structure, pattern, and orientation of samples and is an important tool in materials science, physics, and earth science labs. This up-to-date, comprehensive introduction covers the theory of EBSD, pattern formation, recording EBSD patterns, calibration, and orientation measurement.
The Electron Microscope, Its Development, Present Performance and Future Possibilities
by Dennis 1900- Gabor
INT CON on Electron Microscopy
Scanning Microscopy (ESPRIT Basic Research)
With the award of a Nobel Prize in 1986 to Binnig and Rohrer for their invention of the scanning tunneling microscope, the field of scanning microscopy was given a strong boost. Microscopic techniques are used not only for research work in material and life science but also for routine applications in almost all vital sectors of everyday life. The demand for better understanding of materials and of all aspects of human life initiated an ongoing development of improved microscopic techniques. In...
Primary events in natural systems or devices occur on extremely short time scales, and yet determine in many cases the final performance or output. For this reason research in ultrafast science is of primary importance and impact in both fundamental research as well as its applications. This book reviews the advances in the field, addressing timely and open questions such as the role of quantum coherence in biology, the role of excess energy in electron injection at photovoltaic interfaces or th...
In this unique illustrated book, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, senior visiting scholars, and staff describe their personal experiences in working with the late Prof. Ahmed H. Zewail at Caltech. Their reminiscences provide snapshots of their rich interactions, reflecting the great scientific achievements, as well as the human and humorous sides of Ahmed H. Zewail.The contributors tell us their stories covering a period of forty years, beginning from the time of Zewail's arrival at Calte...
Brilliant Zewail, The
A book that enlightens the life of Ahmed H Zewail from his early childhood to his days at CalTech.Born in Damanhur, Egypt, Ahmed H Zewail grew up with his family, studied at a local primary school and eventually graduated from Alexandria University. After completing his schooling, he went on to teach chemistry to undergraduates at the University of Alexandria.His contributions are not only to science but also to society. As a pioneer scientist, he returned to Egypt and had his fingerprints on al...
Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy has established itself as a standard book for biological electron microscopists wishing to learn how to prepare their specimens for electron microscopic investigation. This fully revised and expanded 4th edition includes three new chapters covering such topics as immunocytochemistry and applications of microwave irradiation to microscopy. This revised and expanded 4th edition of Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy provides practical i...