Issues of Eternity Boxed Set- Lutzer: One Minute, How to Be Sure, Your Eternal Reward
by Dr Erwin W Lutzer
Going to Hell, Getting Saved, and What Jesus Actually Says
by Rick Matthew Morley
Bible stories can seem so familiar that we fail to connect with the lives and characters they reveal. How did Sarai really feel about God's call to seventy-five year old Abram to leave everything homely and familiar behind? What was it like being an Israelite as God's plagues were raining down on the Egyptians? How can we recapture the bewilderment and wonder of Mary and Joseph obediently playing their parts in the purposes of God? What must it have been like, as one of the poor unfortunates cas...
Bestselling, Easy-to-Use Spiritual Gifts Resource for Group Use This trusted spiritual gifts resources has been helping individuals and congregations learn about their unique giftings for generations. Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow is the quintessential group resource. Comprehensive and easy to understand, this guide includes the questionnaire and will help you and your group identify the gifts God has given you. More than that, you will discover how each gift works so that you...
Karl Rahner's theory of how Jesus saves has garnered criticism. Rahner's portrayal of Jesus has been described by Hans Urs von Balthasar as merely notifying the world of God's salvific will. Others have doubted whether Rahner thinks Jesus "causes" salvation at all. Even Rahner's advocates style his Jesus as a kind of sign, albeit an effective one, the primal Sacrament. But another major and yet underappreciated dimension to Rahner's christology is his identification of Jesus as Representative-bo...
On Original Sin (A New Translation of the Common Places (1576), #1)
by Peter Martyr Vermigli