Explanatory Report on the Prot (Texts of Council of Europe Treaties, #96)
Explanatory Report on the Euro (Texts of Council of Europe Treaties, #76)
In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. At present, the collection includes about 30,000 treaties reproduced in their authentic languages, together with translations into English and French, as necessary. The Treaty Series, where treaties are published in the chronological order of registra...
Die Volksrepublik China in Deutschland (Saarbreucker Politikwissenschaft,, #19)
by Marie-Luise Nath and Marie-Luise Neath
Land und Leute, Natur und Kultur haben unter kommunistischer Herrschaft nirgendwo grosseren Schaden genommen als in China. Quellen, die darauf hindeuten, gelangen allerdings kaum in die deutsche Offentlichkeit. Diese Studie untersucht deutsche Wahrnehmung von der VR China, beschaftigt sich mit dem sozialwissenschaftlichen Fundus der deutschen China-Kunde und versucht, diesen analytisch nutzbar zu machen. Die Thesen der Studie lauten: Die vorherrschenden Bilder von der VR China sind gepragt von d...
Handelspolitik Versus Entwicklungspolitik (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #1694)
by Professor Gert Schmidt
1968 wurde ein "Generalized System of Preferences" eingerichtet, welches Industrienationen im Handel mit Entwicklungslandern die Moglichkeit einraumte, letzteren einseitig allgemeine, nicht-reziproke und nicht-diskriminierende Zollpraferenzen zu offerieren. Aufbauend auf eine Darstellung der unterschiedlichen nationalen Praferenzmodelle untersucht die Arbeit die Konzeption eines Allgemeinen Zollpraferenzsystems und weiterer Instrumente der handelspolitischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auf ihre h...
Assessment of Development Results
The evaluation examines the strategic relevance and positioning of UNDP support and its contributions to development results in Papua New Guinea from 2003 to 2011. During the period covered by the evaluation, UNDP technical support to the government strengthened institutional development and enhanced policy formulation. Although some of the areas were not key government priorities, UNDP interventions in the areas of MDG planning and monitoring, governance, HIV and AIDS, conflict prevention and r...
Cost-Effective Helicopter Options for Partner Nations
by Christopher A. Mouton, David T Orletsky, Michael Kennedy, Fred Timson, Adam Grissom, and Akilah Wallace
Private Foundations and Development Partnerships (Global Institutions)
by Michael Moran
This book explores the influence of private United States (US) philanthropic foundations in the governance of global problems. Through a close scrutiny of four high profile case studies of public-private collaboration, the work addresses the vacuum present in global governance scholarship regarding the influence of foundations, arguing the influence of these actors extends beyond the basic material, and into the more subtle and complex ideational sphere of policy and governance. This book: chart...
Protocol to the European Convention on Social Security (European treaty)
In various European countries the two world wars are remembered in very different ways, although everywhere one can find monuments which serve as material objectification of the memory of war. However, such objectifications not only determine certain patterns of remembrance and a specific perception of the past: they also contribute to local and/or national identity and create the basis for attitudes toward the other participants of war. As it happens, instruments of memory live their own life a...
History of the Deep State Volume 3 (History of the Deep State, #3)
by Jeremy Stone
A vivid, original, and intimate hour-by-hour account of Armistice Day 1918, marking its centenary November 11, 2018, marks the centenary of the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany ending World War I. While the events of the war and its legacy are much discussed, this is the first book to focus solely on the day itself, examining how the people of Britain, and the wider world, reacted to the news of peace. In this rich portrait of Armistice Day, which ranges from midnight to mid...
NATO and the Challenges of Austerity
by F. Stephen Larrabee, Stuart E Johnson, John Gordon, Peter A Wilson, Caroline Baxter, Deborah Lai, and Calin Trenkov-Wermuth
Non-traditional Security In The Asia-pacific: A Decade Of Perspectives
What is Non-Traditional Security? How have our understandings of security changed over the past decade? What are the dominant non-traditional security challenges we face in the world today?The concept of national security remains contested but our understanding of it continues to evolve as it is shaped by the world around us. From a globally dominant 'traditional' understanding of security during the Cold War characterised by a focus on countries and their militaries protecting their sovereignty...
Treaty Series (Great Britain) (Treaty Series (Great Britain))
Securing Gains in Fragile States
by Stephen Watts, Jeffrey Martini, Jason H Campbell, and Inhyok Kwon
International Law in Europe, 700-1200 (Artes Liberales)
by Jenny Benham
Was there international law in the Middle Ages? Using treaties as its main source, this book examines the extent to which such a system of rules was known and followed in the period 700 to 1200. It considers how consistently international legal rules were obeyed, whether there was a reliance on justification of action and whether the system had the capacity to resolve disputed questions of fact and law. The book further sheds light on issues such as compliance, enforcement, deterrence, authority...