26 books • 2 series
Building Military Coalitions
Stabilizing Eastern Syria After ISIS
The Air War Against The Islamic State
Reimagining U.S. Strategy in the Middle East
Implementing Restraint
Acquisition and Use of MANPADS Against Commercial Aviation
Countering Sectarianism in the Middle East
Finding the Right Balance
Rolling Back the Islamic State
The Outlook for Arab Gulf Cooperation
Choices for America in a Turbulent World
Internet Freedom and Political Space
Artists and the Arab Uprisings
The Muslim Brotherhood, its Youth, and Implications for U.S. Engagement
Libya's Post-Qaddafi Transition
The Long-term U.S. Security Relationship with Iraq
Iran's Nuclear Future: Critical U.S. Policy Choices
Future Challenges for the Arab World
Identifying Arabic-Language Materials for Children That Promote Tolerance and Critical Thinking
Iran's Nuclear Future (Rand Corporation Monograph)
Whither Al-Anbar Province? (Occasional Papers)
Whither Al-Anbar Province?: Five Scenarios Through 2011
The Iraq Effect (Rand Corporation Monograph)
Iraq Effect, The: The Middle East After the Iraq War