Antibody Therapeutics (Routledge Revivals)
Published in 1997: Antibody Therapeutics is a comprehensive evaluation of progress toward using humanized antibodies as a new generation of therapeutics. The humanized antibodies that have led the way in product approval are discussed as case studies, offering an insight into the preclinical and clinical data acquired during the regulatory approval process. Leading experts offer their findings as examples of what works and what does not, saving you time and making your research more cost effecti...
New Generation Vaccines
Updated to reflect the wide spectrum of economic, regulatory, financial, ethical, and political issues impacting vaccinology in industrialized and developing nations, the Third Edition pinpoints relevant breakthroughs, trends, and advances in vaccinology and immunization science. The book highlights the most influential developments in vaccine safe
Progress in Vaccinology 2 (Lecture Notes in Engineering, #2)
by G. P. Talwar
Vaccines have historically been considered to be the most cost-effective method for preventing communicable diseases. It was a vaccine that en abled global eradication of the dreaded disease smallpo. ."
Profiles of the Vaccine-Injured (Children's Health Defense)
by Children's Health Defense and Robert F Kennedy
Are vaccine injuries really “one in a million,” as governments and public health experts constantly tell us? This comprehensive look at the evidence by Children’s Health Defense, illustrated by nine real-life stories of serious vaccine injury, exposes health agencies’ soft-pedaling of vaccine risks as a dangerous lie. For most people, the potential risks of vaccination, which include life-changing illness, family bankruptcy, and even death, are invisible and almost inconceivable—until a vacc...
Microbial Technologies in Advanced Biofuels Production
Concerns over dwindling fossil fuel reserves and impending climate changes have focused attention worldwide on the need to discover alternative, sustainable energy sources and fuels. Biofuels, already produced on a massive industrial scale, are seen as one answer to these problems. However, very real concerns over the effects of biofuel production on food supplies, with some of ht recent increases in worldwide food costs attributable to biofuel production, have lead to the realization that new,...
Antibody Phage Display (Methods in Molecular Biology, v. 178)
by Phillipa Obrien and Robert Aitken
This comprehensive collection of established antibody phage display protocols features authoritative guidance that will enable the nonspecialist successfully to carry them out. Coverage spans the construction of antibody libraries, the selection of antibody clones with the desired properties, and their modification, expression, and purification. Comprehensive and highly practical, Antibody Phage Display: Methods and Protocols provides biochemists, molecular biologists, and immunologists with a g...
The Everything Weeknight Gluten-Free Cookbook (Everything (R))
by Claire Gallam
Hundreds of gluten-free meals for every night of the week! Cooking creative, wholesome, and delicious meals on a nightly basis is a challenging feat for most of us. If you suffer from some degree of gluten intolerance, you may find the challenge even greater--but The Everything Weeknight Gluten-Free Cookbook can help! With 300 quick and flavorful recipes, you'll discover a variety of meals your family will love, whether you strictly follow the diet or just want to reap the health benefits of a...
The Gluten Free Spoonie
by Patrick Pickels, Rebecca Pickels, and Debbie Pickels Pickels
Polyklonale Antikoerper Eine Einfuehrung in Die Theorie
by Elvira Schecklies
In diesem Buch werden erstmals die Grundlagen der Herstellung polyklonaler Antikorper zusammengefat. Ausgehend von der Planung im Vorfeld werden die einzelnen Schritte Antigenaufbereitung, Immunisierung und Antiserumgewinnung dargestellt - und dies anwendungsbezogen und leicht verstandlich. Besondere Beachtung finden hierbei vielfaltige Aspekte der Tierhaltung. Schlielich werden die verschiedenen Anwendungsmoglichkeiten fur Immmunoglobuline aufgezeigt. Die Autorin, selbst bereits viele Jahre mit...
The Comprehensive Guide to Crohn's Disease (Autoimmune Disease, #1)
by Monet Manbacci
Simplify whole foods cooking for weeknights--with 100 inspired vegetarian recipes made with supermarket ingredients. Sarah Britton streamlines vegetarian cooking by bringing her signature bright photography and fantastic flavors to an accessible cookbook fit for any budget, any day of the week. Her mains, sides, soups, salads, and snacks all call for easy cooking techniques and ingredients found in any grocery store. With callouts to vegan and gluten-free options and ideas for substitutions, th...
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXIV (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, #765)
From the 39th annual conference of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT), held in Washington, DC, USA in July 2011, this volume covers aspects of oxygen transport from air to the cells, organs and organisms; instrumentation and methods to sense oxygen and clinical evidence. Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXIV includes contributions from scientists (physicists, biologists and chemists), engineers, clinicians and mathematicians.
Pollen Terminology
by Michael Hesse, Heidemarie Halbritter, and Reinhard Zetter
Palynology is important in basic as well as in manifold applied sciences, as e.g. biology, medicine, forensics, earth history, climatology and food production. This volume is the first fully illustrated handbook of palynological principles and glossary terms, exclusively using LM and EM micrographs of superior quality. A comprehensive General Chapter on pollen morphology, anatomy, pollen development etc. based on the present knowledge in palynology introduces the reader in the world of pollen. T...