Translational Research in Cardio-Oncology, an Issue of Heart Failure Clinics (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #18)
Arriving amid exciting developments in nanotechnology and recent successes in catalytic emulsion polymerization of olefins, Colloidal Polymers describes ultramodern approaches to synthesis, preparation, characterization, and functionalization of latexes, nanoparticles, and myriad additional colloidal polymer systems. This research-saturated resource communicates critical parameters for method selection, guidelines for controlling structural and colloid properties, and other tools to assist in th...
Hypertensie En 24-Uurs Bloeddrukmeting: Een Toegevoegde Waarde Voor de Praktijk
by Frans T J Boereboom and D Tavenier
Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease
Highly Commended at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2016 The third edition of Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease, the recognized gold-standard reference in this field, offers a major update and expansion of the textbook to reflect the ongoing development of the practice of pediatric and congenital cardiac anesthesia and the burgeoning knowledge base in this exciting field. Includes two new chapters addressing key areas; anesthetic and sedative neurotoxicity in the patient wit...
Covid-19, an Issue of Cardiology Clinics (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #40)
Cardiac Conduction System Disorders, an Issue of Cardiology Clinics, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #41)
Lower Your Blood Pressure in Four Easy Stages
by Dr. Caroline Shreeve
The number of high blood pressure cases has risen by 91 per cent in ten years, according to statistics put out by the Office of Population, Censuses and Surveys, and the number of people suffering heart attacks has increased by 14 per cent over the same period. Here is a programme of drug-free ways to combat high blood pressure, which includes advice on what to eat, beneficial nutritional supplements and simple relaxation routines.
Cardiac Sarcoidosis
In the past 5 years, there has been a tremendous increase in interest regarding diagnosis and management the cardiac involvement in sarcoidosis. This includes new imaging techniques, new evidence-based guidelines regarding diagnosis and treatment, as well as results of registries providing information regarding the outcome of disease. With this new information, the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac sarcoidosis has become better served. Many centres are now developing multi-disciplinary clinics...
A Practical Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Complications During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Perloff's Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease E-Book
by Ariane Marelli and Jamil Aboulhosn
Update in Preventive Cardiology, an Issue of Medical Clinics of North America
by Jacoby
Pregnancy and Heart Disease, an Issue of Cardiology Clinics
by Davis and Lindley
This issue of Cardiology Clinics, curated by Dr. Melinda Davis and Dr. Kathryn Lindley, will explore topics related to Pregnancy and Heart Disease. This issue is one of four selected each year by the series editorial board: Jamil A. Aboulhosn, David M. Shavelle, Terrence D. Welch, and Audrey H. Wu. Topics in this volume include, but are not limited to, Cardiovascular Contribution to Maternal Mortality, Risk stratification and The Pregnancy Heart Team, Cardiovascular Testing in Pregnant Women, Ob...
Vascular Inflammation
Vascular Inflammation: A Novel Understanding of Vascular Diseases and Innovative Strategies for Prevention presents a novel approach to understanding vascular function, vascular dysfunction and vascular diseases. In this title, renowned international experts provide answers with regards to the definition of vascular inflammation, explore a range of relevant aspects of the concept, along with their impact in both understanding as well as treating vascular inflammation and its consequences. Topic...
Die Entdeckung des Blutkreislaufs war ein langwieriger Prozess. Er reicht von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. In der Antike kannte man keinen Kreislauf, sondern glaubte, dass das Herz eine Warmepumpe ist, von der eine Beseelung ausgeht (Spiritus vitalis und animalis). Im Mittelalter wurde der Lungen- oder kleine Kreislauf zum Abrauchen der Fuligines uber die Lunge entdeckt. Erst zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts erfolgte die Entdeckung des grossen Kreislaufs und in der zweiten Halfte die Entdeckung...
In this sequel to Morality, Politics, and Law, Michael Perry examines the uses of religious ideas in political discourse in a liberal democracy.
Biology of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases combines physiology and pathophysiology of selected metabolic and cardiovascular diseases with health relevance. Written in a concise and easy to read manner, the book allows readers to gain an understanding on a number of topics, including cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology and how it relates to the development of insulin resistance, diabetes and other metabolic diseases. The book also highlights the relevance of obesity in the develop...