Disrupting the Status Quo
We are in the midst of what may well be the most confusing, turbulent period in the history of modern medicine. This book seeks to cut through the fog and confusion that enshrouds the health care industry to provide clarity on where the industry stands today and where it is headed. The book defines the major challenges in health care through the journey of Northwell Health, one of the largest provider organizations in the country. The central issues in what is nearly one-fifth of the United Stat...
Glaser on Health Care IT (HIMSS Book)
John Glaser has been an astute observer and recognized leader in the health care industry for over thirty years. He has written a regular column for Hospitals & Health Networks in which he comments on a wide range of topics, including improving organizational performance through health information technology (HIT), changes in HIT architecture, challenges in leveraging data, and the evolution of the role of IT leadership. Glaser on Health Care IT: Perspectives from the Decade that Defined Health...
It's All Analytics - Part II
by Scott Burk, David Sweenor, and Gary Miner
Up to 70% and even more of corporate Analytics Efforts fail!!! Even after these corporations have made very large investments, in time, talent, and money, in developing what they thought were good data and analytics programs. Why? Because the executives and decision makers and the entire analytics team have not considered the most important aspect of making these analytics efforts successful. In this Book II of "It’s All Analytics!" series, we describe two primary things: 1) What this "most impo...
Qualitats- Und Risikomanagement Im Krankenhaus (Controlling Im Krankenhaus)
Decisional Privacy and the Rights of the Child (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)
Decisional privacy gives individuals the freedom to act and make decisions about how they live their lives, without unjustifiable interference from other individuals or the state. This book advances a theory of a child’s right to decisional privacy. It draws on the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and extends the work of respected children’s rights scholars to address a significant gap in understanding the interconnections between privacy, family law and chil...
The Coming Shortage of Surgeons (Praeger Series on Contemporary Health and Living)
by Thomas E Williams Jr, E Christopher Ellison, Bhagwan Satiani, and Williams Jr E
A critical, quantitative look at the future supply and demand of surgical specialists that may foretell rationing of surgical services. The Coming Shortage of Surgeons: Why They Are Disappearing and What That Means for Our Health is the only quantitative analysis of the workforce in orthopedic and thoracic surgery, otolaryngology, obstetrics and gynecology, general surgery, neurosurgery, and urology. It analyzes the demand and supply for these surgeons and gives the causes and remedies for thes...
Essentials for the Improvement of Healthcare Using Lean & Six Sigma
by D H Stamatis
Essentials for the Improvement of Healthcare Using Lean & Six Sigma is all about real and immediate quality improvement. Written by D.H. Stamatis, a renowned expert in organizational development and quality, the book addresses concerns that can be ameliorated with minimal government intervention.Detailing immediate paths for improvement fundamental to primary care, hospitals, and managed care, the book:Introduces much-needed mechanics of change, including transitioning from hierarchical groups t...
Convergence: Breaking down Barriers between Disciplines (Springer Series in Design and Innovation, #30)
This book presents the proceedings of the 7th conference Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety (HEPS), held in Delft, The Netherlands on November 2-4, 2022, which was endorsed by the International Ergonomics Association (IEA). Contributions focus on the integration of knowledge, methods, and expertise from the disciplines of Human Factors/Ergonomics and of Medicine and Health in order to contribute to a safe and humane, high-quality healthcare system. Through breaking down the barrier...
Transitioning to Alternative Payment Models
by Doral Jacobsen and Nanci Robertson
Workbook for Use with Medical Insurance: A Revenue Cycle Process Approach
by Joanne Valerius, Nenna Bayes, Cynthia Newby, and Janet Seggern
Medical Coding Workbook for Physician Practices and Facilities
by Cynthia Newby
Medical Coding Workbook for Physician Practices and Facilities, 2018-2019 Edition, builds coding expertise by providing instruction in Coding Tips on the instructor-reported toughest coding scenarios followed by practice and reinforcement in code selection and linkage. This supplementary workbook offers extensive opportunities for students to practice ICD-10-CM (diagnosis) and CPT/HCPCS (procedure) coding using the standard code sets. A unique coding linkage section reviews and practices auditin...
Disruptive Innovation through Digital Transformation
by Xue Han, Yuanyuan Wu, and Jie Zheng
The book addresses the prevalent digital transformation and focuses on its significant disruption in healthcare. In light of the distinctive characteristics and evolution of the Chinese healthcare industry, private multi-sided platform (MSP) companies emerge to offer novel values and explore the industry value chain. Drawing on the management and economics literature of MSPs, this book examines the selected Chinese MSPs and compares them with the counterpart MSPs in the U.S. This analysis highli...
Case Management Adherence Guide 2020
Recognizing that the health care field has undergone significant changes in recent years, Case Management Adherence Guide 2020 helps health care professionals gain and integrate skills and methods for even more comprehensive assessments of clients, families, or their support systems. The guide supports improvements in care planning, care coordination, and care transitions. The guide is designed to help case management professionals achieve measureable outcomes with their interventions, renderin...
Die pharmazeutische Industrie weist gegenüber anderen Branchen einige Besonderheiten auf, die in der allgemeinen Industriebetriebslehre nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt werden. Das vorliegende Buch befasst sich daher mit den speziellen volkswirtschaftlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Aspekten der pharmazeutischen Industrie. Neueinsteigern in diese Branche bietet es einen umfassenden Überblick, gestandene Praktiker können sich über Spezialaspekte und neuere Ansätze informieren. Beiträge von Aut...
Ageing Asia and the Pacific in Changing Times
This book demonstrates that there are wide-ranging potential challenges in addressing issues associated with ageing populations in both developed and developing countries of the region. This book brings together local, national and regional perspectives on the ageing population and sustainable development nexus in selected countries in the Asia Pacific region. The countries selected in this book include a mix of developed and developing economies that all reflect strong trade, investment and mi...
This book explores the major topics in comparative economic systems, using an approach that is similar to that of Janos Kornai, the Hungarian economist. The text is organized in three parts, the first is a discussion of property rights and the role of the state in the context of historical evolution. Part two examines the varieties of socialist organization. It begins with the basic ideas envisioned by Marx and Engels and proceeds to analyze the Hungarian, Chinese, Soviet, East German and Yugosl...
Medical and Health Care Informatics
by Comfort Osonnaya and Kingsley Osonnaya
This volume analyzes group purchasing organizations (GPOs) and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) in order to better understand the significant roles that these entities play in the healthcare supply chain. It examines who they contract with, on what terms, and who they represent and answer to while charting their historical development. The analysis reveals that the current roles of both players have historical roots that explain why they behave the way they do. Finally, the book reviews the evid...
Die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Krankenhäuser werden anspruchsvoller. Eine qualitativ hochwertige medizinische Versorgung müssen die Verantwortlichen aber weiterhin gewährleisten. Dass dies mit geschicktem Management durchaus möglich ist, zeigen die Beispiele in diesem Buch. Die Stellhebel, die Klinik-Managern generell zur Verfügung stehen, um die Leistungs- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ihrer Häuser zu verbessern und sie „fit für die Zukunft“ zu machen, werden in kompakter Form dargelegt....
Das Buch richtet sich insbesondere an Führungskräfte, welche sich leicht umsetzungsfähige Hilfen und anregende Inspirationen für Veränderungsprojekte innerhalb ihres Tätigkeitsbereichs wünschen. Eine intensive und zeitaufwendige Aufbereitung der Grundlagenwerke zum Thema Change Management und Wirtschaftspsychologie soll der Zielgruppe bei knappen Ressourcen im Arbeitsalltag erspart bleiben. Ziel der Autoren ist es, den interessierten LeserInnen eine Wissensquelle zu bieten, die sowohl als prakt...
Systemimmanente Anreize im Pauschalierenden Entgeltsystem Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik (PEPP) (Controlling Im Krankenhaus)
by Hannes Horter, Martin Driessen, and Winfried Zapp
Dieses Fachbuch analysiert die Probleme, Risiken und Anreize des PEPP-Systems (Version 2015) anhand der Behandlung der Alkoholabhängigkeit. Dafür wurden über 1.300 Fälle des Evangelischen Krankenhauses Bielefeld aus dem Jahr 2014 verwendet. Zunächst wurden Fallgruppen erstellt für die Gruppen dann Parameter wie Verweildauer (VWD), PEPP-Kodierung, Erlöseinbußen durch Fallzusammenführungen und Fallerlöse ausgewertet. Ergänzend zu diesen Daten wurden Veränderungen der VWD, der Kodierung und zusätz...