Caroline's Paramedic 9e Premier with WholeShebang Bundle
Casemanagement mit der Merkmalsgruppe Depressiv Erkrankter
by Britta Klett
de l'Usage Du Tabac Dans l'Armee, Les Militaires Fumeurs Font-Ils Un Meilleur Service
by Decroix-E
Turkeys are an excellent source of succulent meat, rich eggs, and nutrient-dense manure, and raising them is a rewarding and profitable activity for many farmers. Storey's Guide to Raising Turkeys provides expert information on breed selection, facilities management, health care, and slaughtering. With helpful tips on acquiring organic certification, processing both meat and eggs, and marketing your products, you'll have all the information you need to successfully raise your own healthy and pro...
Gail Damerow is the foremost authority on chickens in the United States, and her classic reference The Chicken Health Handbook (originally published in 1994) is now completely revised with up-to-the minute information and full-colour photography and illustrations. This essential guide thoroughly addresses every aspect of chicken health, including good nutrition; bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases; parasites and worms; reproductive issues; immune health; metabolic dysfunctions; and much more,...
Gain confidence in ICD-9-CM diagnostic and procedural coding with this comprehensive, hands-on work text. Practice exercises are provided throughout to help you test yourself as you go, and illustrations of human anatomy and procedures appear throughout to clarify concepts. When used in conjunction with your coding manual, this learning resource will help you master ICD-9-CM coding for all medical specialties.
Abces de la Cloison Et Hypertrophie de la Muqueuse de la Cloison Chez Les Enfants Et Les Adolescents
by Vaptzaroff-D
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Peptides and Proteins
by Colin T. Mant and Robert S. Hodges
Containing articles by internationally renowned scientists, this book covers the use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) techniques for a range of applications. The authors present practical approaches along with clear principles that are easily accessible to the method developer as well as the scientist. They discuss major HPLC analytical modes including size exclusion, ion-exchange, reverse-phase, hydrophobic interactions, immunoaffinity, and more. Highlights of the second edition...
Stressmanagement bei Erwerbslosigkeit. Wie und warum geraten Arbeitslose unter Stress?
by Barbara Bachmeier
Can beer make plants grow? How about buttermilk? Or music - classical or rock? Is it true about planting trees in deep holes? And how about chasing insects with hot sauce and stopping slugs with eggshells? Remedies for all garden woes are there for the taking: the challenge is to know what will work and what won't. Fearlessly conducting original experiments and harvesting wisdom from the scientific literature, horticulturist Jeff Gillman assesses new and historic advice and reveals the how and w...
Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 70 Print + Ebook with Multimedia
by Harpal S Khanuja and Eric J Strauss