Acta Numerica 7 Volume Paperback Set, Volumes 11-17 (Acta Numerica)
Acta Numerica is an annual publication containing invited survey papers by leading researchers in numerical mathematics and scientific computing. The papers present overviews of recent developments in their area and provide useful techniques and analysis.
Divergent Series, Summability and Resurgence I (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #2153)
by Claude Mitschi and David Sauzin
Providing an elementary introduction to analytic continuation and monodromy, the first part of this volume applies these notions to the local and global study of complex linear differential equations, their formal solutions at singular points, their monodromy and their differential Galois groups. The Riemann-Hilbert problem is discussed from Bolibrukh's point of view. The second part expounds 1-summability and Ecalle's theory of resurgence under fairly general conditions. It contains numerous...
This book is a collection of original papers on microlocal analysis, Fourier analysis in the complex domain, generalized functions and related topics. Most of the papers originate from the talks given at the conference "Prospects of Generalized Functions" (in November, 2001 at RIMS, Kyoto). Reflecting the fact that the papers, except M Morimoto's one, are dedicated to Mitsuo Morimoto, the subjects considered in this book are interdisciplinary, just as Morimoto's works are. The historical backgro...
A central theme in the study of dynamic systems is the modelling and control of uncertain systems. While 'uncertainty' has long been a strong motivating factor behind many techniques developed in the modelling, control, statistics and mathematics communities, the past decade, in particular, has witnessed remarkable progress in this area with the emergence of a number of powerful newmethodsforbothmodellingandcontrollinguncertaindynamicsystems. The speci?c objective of this book is to describe and...
Many stochastic differential equations (SDEs) in the literature have a superlinearly growing nonlinearity in their drift or diffusion coefficient. Unfortunately, moments of the computationally efficient Euler-Maruyama approximation method diverge for these SDEs in finite time. This article develops a general theory based on rare events for studying integrability properties such as moment bounds for discrete-time stochastic processes. Using this approach, the authors establish moment bounds for...
Nonlinear Analysis - Theory and Methods (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
by Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicentiu D. Radulescu, and Dusan D. Repovs
This book emphasizes those basic abstract methods and theories that are useful in the study of nonlinear boundary value problems. The content is developed over six chapters, providing a thorough introduction to the techniques used in the variational and topological analysis of nonlinear boundary value problems described by stationary differential operators. The authors give a systematic treatment of the basic mathematical theory and constructive methods for these classes of nonlinear equations a...
Analysis In Euclidean Space (Essential Textbooks in Mathematics, #0)
by Joaquim Bruna
Based on notes written during the teacher's many years of teaching, Analysis in Euclidean Space mainly covers Differentiation and Integration theory in several real variables, but also an array of closely related areas including measure theory, differential geometry, classical theory of curves, geometric measure theory, integral geometry, and others.With several original results, new approaches and an emphasis on concepts and rigorous proofs, the book is suitable for undergraduate students, part...
This book considers methods of approximate analysis of mechanical, elec tromechanical, and other systems described by ordinary differential equa tions. Modern mathematical modeling of sophisticated mechanical systems consists of several stages: first, construction of a mechanical model, and then writing appropriate equations and their analytical or numerical ex amination. Usually, this procedure is repeated several times. Even if an initial model correctly reflects the main properties of a ph...
facts. An elementary acquaintance with topology, algebra, and analysis (in- cluding the notion of a manifold) is sufficient as far as the understanding of this book is concerned. All the necessary properties and theorems have been gathered in the preliminary chapters -either with proofs or with references to standard and elementary textbooks. The first chapter of the book is devoted to a study of the rings Oa of holomorphic functions. The notions of analytic sets and germs are introduced in the...
Calculus Problems (UNITEXT, #101) (La Matematica per il 3+2, #101)
by Marco Baronti, Filippo De Mari, Robertus van der Putten, and Irene Venturi
This book, intended as a practical working guide for calculus students, includes 450 exercises. It is designed for undergraduate students in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or any other field where rigorous calculus is needed, and will greatly benefit anyone seeking a problem-solving approach to calculus. Each chapter starts with a summary of the main definitions and results, which is followed by a selection of solved exercises accompanied by brief, illustrative comments. A selection of pro...
Complex Analysis and Differential Equations (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics)
by Luis Barreira and Claudia Valls
This text provides an accessible, self-contained and rigorous introduction to complex analysis and differential equations. Topics covered include holomorphic functions, Fourier series, ordinary and partial differential equations. The text is divided into two parts: part one focuses on complex analysis and part two on differential equations. Each part canĀ be read independently, so in essence this text offers two books in one. In the second part of the book, some emphasis is given to the applic...
Analytic Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations: AMADE
Le livre COURBES ET DIMENSION FRACTALE fait une revue dediverses techniquesd'analyse des courbes planes, en vue desapplications. Le type de mathematiques qu'il contient a etechoisi a la suite de nombreux echanges scientifiques avecdes ingenieurs, physiciens ou industriels. Une partie traitedes courbes de longueur finie, une autre des courbes ditesde longueur infinie, ou plus specifiquement des courbesfractales. Une introduction sur les ensembles de mesurenulle sur la droite, ainsi qu'une annexe...
Dieses Buch ist eine besonders geeignete Einfuhrung zum Thema Chaos und Simulation dynamischer Systeme fur Studenten der Ingenieur- und der Naturwissenschaften. Die Untersuchung von einfachen Modellen aus der Populationsdynamik dient als Vehikel, einen schnellen und zielgerichteten Einstieg zu erzielen. Das notige mathematische und simulationstechnische Werkzeug wird nach Bedarf eingefuhrt und gut verstandlich erklart. Unterstutzt wird die Darstellung durch Programme auf beiliegender Diskette, d...
This textbook is an application-oriented introduction to the theory of distributions, a powerful tool used in mathematical analysis. The treatment emphasizes applications that relate distributions to linear partial differential equations and Fourier analysis problems found in mechanics, optics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and signal analysis. The book is motivated by many exercises, hints, and solutions that guide the reader along a path requiring only a minimal mathematical backgro...
The book provides a quick overview of a wide range of active research areas in partial differential equations. The book can serve as a useful source of information to mathematicians, scientists and engineers. The volume contains contributions from authors from a large variety of countries on different aspects of partial differential equations, such as evolution equations and estimates for their solutions, control theory, inverse problems, nonlinear equations, elliptic theory on singular domains,...
Subdifferentials (Mathematics and its Applications, #323)
by Anatoly G. Kusraev and Semen S. Kutateladze
Presenting the most important results of a new branch of functional analysis - subdifferential calculus and its applications - this monograph details new tools and techniques of convex and non-smooth analysis, such as Kantorovich spaces, vector duality, Boolean-valued and infinitesimal versions of non-standard analysis, covering a wide range of topics. The book aims to fill the gap between the theoretical core of modern functional analysis and its applicable sections, such as optimization, optim...
Mathematical Modeling and Computation of Real-Time Problems
This book covers an interdisciplinary approach for understanding mathematical modeling by offering a collection of models, solved problems related to the models, the methodologies employed, and the results using projects and case studies with insight into the operation of substantial real-time systems. The book covers a broad scope in the areas of statistical science, probability, stochastic processes, fluid dynamics, supply chain, optimization, and applications. It discusses advanced topics an...
Advances in Analysis and Geometry (Trends in Mathematics)
At the heart of Clifford analysis is the study of systems of special partial differential operators that arise naturally from the use of Clifford algebra as a calculus tool. This book focuses on the study of Dirac operators and related ones, together with applications in mathematics, physics and engineering. This book collects refereed papers from a satellite conference to the ICM 2002, plus invited contributions. All articles contain unpublished new results.