Base Change for GL(2). (AM-96), Volume 96 (Annals of Mathematics Studies)
by Robert P. Langlands
R. Langlands shows, in analogy with Artin's original treatment of one-dimensional p, that at least for tetrahedral p, L(s, p) is equal to the L-function L(s, ?) attached to a cuspdidal automorphic representation of the group GL(2, /A), /A being the adele ring of the field, and L(s, ?), whose definition is ultimately due to Hecke, is known to be entire. The main result, from which the existence of ? follows, is that it is always possible to transfer automorphic representations of GL(2) over one n...
Properties of Closed 3-Braids and Braid Representations of Links (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)
by Alexander Stoimenow
This book studies diverse aspects of braid representations via knots and links. Complete classification results are illustrated for several properties through Xu's normal 3-braid form and the Hecke algebra representation theory of link polynomials developed by Jones. Topological link types are identified within closures of 3-braids which have a given Alexander or Jones polynomial. Further classifications of knots and links arising by the closure of 3-braids are given, and new results about 4-bra...
Absolute Summability of Fourier Series and Orthogonal Series (Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, #1067)
by Yasuo Okuyama
The Heat Kernel and Theta Inversion on SL2(C) (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
by Jay Jorgenson and Serge Lang
The worthy purpose of this text is to provide a complete, self-contained development of the trace formula and theta inversion formula for SL(2,Z[i])\SL(2,C). Unlike other treatments of the theory, the approach taken here is to begin with the heat kernel on SL(2,C) associated to the invariant Laplacian, which is derived using spherical inversion. The heat kernel on the quotient space SL(2,Z[i])\SL(2,C) is arrived at through periodization, and further expanded in an eigenfunction expansion. A thet...
Rings, Modules and Algebras in Stable Homotopy Theory (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, #47)
by A.D. Elmendorf, I. Kriz, M.A. Mandell, and J. Peter May
This book introduces a new point-set level approach to stable homotopy theory that has already had many applications and promises to have a lasting impact on the subject.
This book is intended as an introduction to the theory of Lie groups and their representations at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level. It covers the essentials of the subject starting from basic undergraduate mathematics. The correspondence between linear Lie groups and Lie algebras is developed in its local and global aspects. The classical groups are analysed in detail, first with elementary matrix methods, then with the help of the structural tools typical of the theory...
Surgical Methods in Rigidity (Tata Institute Lectures on Mathematics and Physics S.)
by F. Thomas Farrell
This book is an introduction to the topological rigidity theorem for compact non-positively curved Riemannian manifolds. It contains a quick informal account of the background material from surgery theory and controlled topology prerequesite to this result. It is intended for researchers and advanced graduate students in both differential geometry and topology. This book is the content of a course given by the author at TIFR in 1993.
Solution Of The K(gv) Problem, The (Icp Advanced Texts In Mathematics, #4)
by Peter Schmid
The k(GV) conjecture claims that the number of conjugacy classes (irreducible characters) of the semidirect product GV is bounded above by the order of V. Here V is a finite vector space and G a subgroup of GL(V) of order prime to that of V. It may be regarded as the special case of Brauer's celebrated k(B) problem dealing with p-blocks B of p-solvable groups (p a prime). Whereas Brauer's problem is still open in its generality, the k(GV) problem has recently been solved, completing the work of...
Perspectives in Representation Theory (Contemporary Mathematics)
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference Perspectives in Representation Theory, held from May 12-17, 2012, at Yale University, in honour of Igor Frenkel's 60th birthday. The aim of the conference was to present current progress on the following (interrelated) topics: vertex operator algebras and chiral algebras, conformal field theory, the (geometric) Langlands programme, affine Lie algebras, Kac-Moody algebras, quantum groups, crystal bases and canonical bases, quantum cohomology...
Wavelet Transforms and Time-Frequency Signal Analysis (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
by Lokenath Debnath
The last fifteen years have produced major advances in the mathematical theory of wavelet transforms and their applications to science and engineering. In an effort to inform researchers in mathematics, physics, statistics, computer science, and engineering and to stimulate furtherresearch, an NSF-CBMS Research Conference on Wavelet Analysis was organized at the University of Central Florida in May 1998. Many distinguished mathematicians and scientists from allover the world participated in the...
(Cartan sub Lie algebra, roots, Weyl group, Dynkin diagram, . . . ) and the classification, as found by Killing and Cartan (the list of all semisimple Lie algebras consists of (1) the special- linear ones, i. e. all matrices (of any fixed dimension) with trace 0, (2) the orthogonal ones, i. e. all skewsymmetric ma trices (of any fixed dimension), (3) the symplectic ones, i. e. all matrices M (of any fixed even dimension) that satisfy M J = - J MT with a certain non-degenerate skewsymmetric matr...
Quadratic Algebras, Clifford Algebras, and Arithmetic Witt Groups (Universitext)
by Alexander J Hahn
This volume introduces mathematicians to the large and dynamic area of algebras and forms over commutative rings. The book begins with elementary aspects and progresses gradually in its degree of difficulty. Topics include the connection between quadratic algebras, Clifford algebras and quadratic forms; Brauer groups; the matrix theory of Clifford algebras over fields; and Witt groups of quadratic and symmetric bilinear forms. Some of the new results included by the author concern the representa...
Algebraic Geometry (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics)
This guide to algebraic geometry covers the active areas of the subject: birational geometry of higher dimensional algebraic varieties, Kahler manifolds and analytic varieties, abelian varieties, arithmetic algebraic geometry, rigid analytic spaces, cycles and vector bundles on algebraic varieties, mixed Hodge structures, period maps for K3 surfaces and for isolated singularities. Many of the papers not only contain original results, but also survey the particular topics covered.
From the reviews of Vol. IV: "This is the fourth volume of J-P. Serre's "Collected Papers" covering the period 1985-1998. Items, numbered 133-173, contain "the essence" of his work from that period and are devoted to number theory, algebraic geometry, and group theory. Half of them are articles and another half are summaries of his courses in those years and letters. Most courses have never been previously published, nor proofs of the announced results. The letters reproduced, however (in partic...
Lectures on Morse Homology (Texts in the Mathematical Sciences, #29)
by Augustin Banyaga and David Hurtubise
This book offers a detailed presentation of results needed to prove the Morse Homology Theorem using classical techniques from algebraic topology and homotopy theory. The text presents results that were formerly scattered in the mathematical literature, in a single reference with complete and detailed proofs. The core material includes CW-complexes, Morse theory, hyperbolic dynamical systems (the Lamba-Lemma, the Stable/Unstable Manifold Theorem), transversality theory, the Morse-Smale-Witten bo...
60 Worksheets - Less Than for 5 Digit Numbers (60 Days Math Less Than, #5)
by Kapoo Stem
Cardiac Mechanotransduction (Springer Series in Surface Sciences, #1398)
by Matti Weckstr M and Pasi Tavi
Invariant Theory (Recent Results in Cancer Research, #585)
by T a Springer
Finite Geometric Structures and Their Applications (CIME Summer Schools, v. 60)
R.C. Bose: Graphs and designs.- R.H. Bruck: Construction problems in finite projective spaces.- R.H.F. Denniston: Packings of PG(3,q).- J. Doyen: Recent results on Steiner triple systems.- H. Luneburg: Gruppen und endliche projektive Ebenen.- J.A. Thas: 4-gonal configurations.- H.P. Young: Affine triple systems.
Noncompact Semisimple Lie Algebras and Groups (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics)
by Vladimir K. Dobrev
With applications in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics and general relativity, this two-volume work studies invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups, superalgebras including infinite-dimensional cases, Schroedinger algebras, applications to holography. This first volume covers the general aspects of Lie algebras and group theory supplemented by many concrete examples for a great variety of noncompact semisimple Lie algebras and groups. Contents:...