With applications in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics and general relativity, this two-volume work studies invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups, superalgebras including infinite-dimensional cases, Schroedinger algebras, applications to holography. This first volume covers the general aspects of Lie algebras and group theory supplemented by many concrete examples for a great variety of noncompact semisimple Lie algebras and groups.

Lie Algebras and Groups
Real Semisimple Lie Algebras
Invariant Differential Operators
Case of the Anti-de Sitter Group
Conformal Case in 4D
Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials, Subsingular Vectors, and Conditionally Invariant Equations
Invariant Differential Operators for Noncompact Lie Algebras Parabolically Related to Conformal Lie Algebras
Multilinear Invariant Differential Operators from New Generalized Verma Modules
Author Index
Subject Index


by Vladimir K. Dobrev

Published 24 September 2018
With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this four-volume work studies the invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups and superalgebras. This third volume covers supersymmetry, including detailed coverage of conformal supersymmetry in four and some higher dimensions, furthermore quantum superalgebras are also considered.

Lie superalgebras
Conformal supersymmetry in 4D
Examples of conformal supersymmetry for D > 4
Quantum superalgebras

Quantum Groups

by Vladimir K. Dobrev

Published 10 July 2017
With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this two-volume work studies the invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups and superalgebras. This second volume covers quantum groups and quantum algebras, supersymmetry and Virasoro algebras.

The De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics are devoted to the publication of monographs and high-level texts in mathematical physics. They cover topics and methods in fields of current interest, with an emphasis on didactical presentation. The series will enable readers to understand, apply and develop further, with sufficient rigor, mathematical methods to given problems in physics. For this reason, works with a few authors are preferred over edited volumes. The works in this series are aimed at advanced students and researchers in mathematical and theoretical physics. They can also serve as secondary reading for lectures and seminars at advanced levels.