The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars were the first truly global conflicts. The Royal Navy was a key player in the wider wars and, for Britain, the key factor in her eventual emergence as the only naval power capable of sustained global hegemony. The most iconic battles of any era were fought at sea during these years - from the Battle of the Nile in 1798 to Nelson's momentous victory at Trafalgar in October 1805. In this period, the Navy had reached a peak of efficiency and was unrival...
453-466 (Grosskommentare Der Praxis)
by Andreas Maurer and Harald Schoen
Das Neue Recht Der Kunstlichen Intelligenz
by Janine Wendt and Domenik H Wendt
The 2020 edition provides comprehensive information on the tariffs and non-tariff measures imposed by over 170 countries and customs territories. It is a joint publication of the WTO, the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Tariff data are presented in comparative tables indicating, among other things, the average "bound" or maximum tariff each economy may apply to its imports and the average tariff it applies in practice. A one-...
The Trade Policy Review Mechanism, a permanent feature of the World Trade Organization (WTO), is designed to contribute to improving adherence by all WTO members to rules, disciplines, and commitments made under the Multilateral Trade Agreement. This volume in the series provides information on the trade policies, practices, and macroeconomic situations of Paraguay. Each Trade Policy Review is expertly prepared after in-depth analysis of an individual nation by the WTO's Trade Policy Review Boar...
This compact volume puts the complete text of the Uniform Commercial Code including Revised Article 9 and its conforming amendments to other articles right at your fingertips.
Science and Technology in International Economic Law (Routledge Research in International Economic Law)
Science and technology plays an increasingly important role in the continued development of international economic law. This book brings together well-known and rising scholars to explore the status and interaction of science, technology and international economic law. The book reviews the place of science and technology in the development of international economic law with a view to ensure a balance between the promotion of trade and investment liberalisation and decision-making based on a soun...
With the resurgence of ‘new Protectionism’, international trade and trade relations are once again prime topics for study. This book, first published in 1997, examines in detail the different ways to answer the questions: What are the causes of trade relations? And specifically, what factors determine a flow of commodities from one country to another?
The WTO in the Twenty-first Century
Three significant issues will determine the future of the WTO: dispute settlement, negotiations and regional integration. Dispute settlement is widely regarded as one of the major successes of the WTO in its first ten years. Concluding the Doha round negotiations is one of its main challenges. Regional integration is now at the frontline of debate as regional agreements proliferate and policy-makers and academics come to grips with their impacts on the multilateral trading system. These issues,...
Die Wechselverpflichtung Im 19. Jahrhundert (Rechtshistorische Reihe, #371)
by Judith Freund
Im fruhen 19. Jahrhundert entsteht ein gemeinsamer deutschsprachiger Wirtschaftsraum. Einher geht die Vereinheitlichung der Wechselgesetzgebung hin zur allgemeinen deutschen Wechselordnung von 1849. Diese legt sich auf keine bestimmte rechtliche Vorstellung fest. Damit bleibt Raum fur die Entstehung zahlreicher unterschiedlicher Wechselrechtstheorien. Gleichermassen nimmt aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung die Bedeutung des Wechsels in der Geschaftswelt zu. Den Wechseltheoretikern stellt...
Labour Migration in Europe Volume I
In this book, Fauri and Tedeschi bring together contributions that outline the movement of job seekers and ethnic minority entrepreneurs in Europe, to analyse the overall impact of different forms of migration on European economies in the last 100 years. Contributions address a broad range of themes, from the motivations of migrants and the process of their integration into their destination country, to their overall social and economic impact onto said country at a structural level. In address...
In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten ist wohl kaum eine Versicherungs sparte so hiiufig und so intensiv von technischen, wirtschaftlichen, recht lichen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Veriinderungen betroffen worden wie die Allgemeine Raftpflichtversicherung. Weitgehend unveriindert blie ben die ARB, die jedoch stiindig durch neu geschaffene Besondere Bedin gungen und Zusatzbedingungen, Geschiiftsplanmiij3ige Erkliirungen der Versicherer nnd nicht zuletzt die Rechtsprechung eine Anpassung erf...
The Evolution of the Us Airline Industry (Studies in Industrial Organization, #25)
by Johnson A. Edosomwan and Eldad Ben-Yosef
For over three decades the airline industry has continued to maintain a high profile in the public mind and in public policy interest. This high profile is probably not surprising. There does seem to be something inherently newsworthy about airplanes and the people and companies that fly them. The industry was one of the first major industries in the United States to undergo deregulation, in 1978. It thereby transitioned from a closely regulated sector (the former Civil Aeronautics Board tightly...
Treaty Series (Great Britain) (Treaty Series (Great Britain))
This monograph offers a detailed and distinctive analysis of corporate nationality under international investment law, covering the ICSID Convention and the investment treaty framework. It takes the reader back to the basics, threading through the concepts of jurisdiction, nationality, and corporate personality to give a clear context to the discussion of corporate nationality under international investment law, at a time when international investment is dominated by multinational business enter...
Written by practitioners for practitioners, this definitive handbook covers all of the main aspects of costs and funding issues encountered in the Scottish Civil Courts. It covers the routes to funding, when expenses may be sought, the court's powers in awarding expenses and provides detail on issues including Success Fee Agreements, Qualified One Way Cost Shifting, Pre-Action Protocols, Pursuers' Offers and Tenders, party Litigants, Amendment, Abandonment, Caution and Simple Procedure. It bring...
Ausbildungskompass Rechtsanwalts- und Notarfachangestellte
by Wolfgang Sommer
Mit der Berufsausbildung beginnt fur die Auszubildenden ein neuer Lebensabschnitt. Dieser Ausbildungskompass hilft, die Ausbildung vom ersten Tag bis hin zur Abschlussprufung erfolgreich zu meistern. Welche Formalitaten muss man zu Beginn der Ausbildung beachten? Welche Rechte und Pflichten hat man als Auszubildende/-r, welche Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten muss man in diesem Ausbildungsberuf beherrschen? Was lernt man in der Ausbildungskanzlei, was in der Berufsschule? Wie wird das Berichtsheft ge...
Die Arbeit behandelt die Voraussetzungen und Rechtsfolgen eines Rucktritts wegen Schlechtleistung beim Unternehmenskauf. Dazu werden die kaufrechtlichen Gewahrleistungsregelungen zum Rucktritt hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf den Unternehmenskauf gepruft. Daruber hinaus werden die Auswirkungen des rechtlichen Befundes in der Praxis dargestellt und bewertet. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Regelungen in rechtlicher sowie praktischer Hinsicht fur den Unternehmenskauf geeignet sind....
Geruechte ALS Kapitalmarktinformationen (Frankfurter Wirtschaftsrechtliche Studien, #96)
by Matthias Neumann
Die Arbeit untersucht die Behandlung von Geruchten als unsicheren Informationen im Kapitalmarktrecht. Dazu werden zunachst psychologische und soziologische sowie oekonomische Erkenntnisse zu Geruchten allgemein und Kapitalmarktgeruchten im Besonderen betrachtet. Daran anknupfend werden ubergeordnete rechtspolitische UEberlegungen angestellt. Es folgt ein Blick darauf, wie Geruchte ausserhalb des Kapitalmarktrechts rechtlich eingeordnet werden. Kern der Arbeit ist die Behandlung von Geruchten im...
China Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry Handbook Volume 1 Strategic Information and Regulations