Policing and Race in America
This edited collection explores policing in America in regards to minority groups. The essays discuss how the relationship between police and minority groups affects politics, the economy, and minority groups' daily lives and success. The contributors explore the Black Lives Matter movement, the Detroit, Los Angeles, and Atlanta Police Departments, immigration, incarceration, community policing, police violence, and detail causes, theories, and solutions to this important phenomenon.
Archaologie Der Grund- Und Menschenrechte in Der Fruhen Neuzeit (Ancien Regime, Aufklarung Und Revolution, #30)
by Wolfgang Schmale
Das Lastenheft (Europaische Hochschulschriften Recht, #5500) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften Recht, #5500)
by Moritz Zoglmann
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit den wesentlichen Rechtsfragen, die sich im Zusammenhang mit der Leistungsbeschreibung in Softwareerstellungsprojekten ergeben koennen. Der Autor beleuchtet insbesondere die Konstellationen, in denen es an einer vertraglichen Regelung fehlt und daher auf die gesetzlichen Regelungen sowie auf allgemeine Rechtsgrundsatze zuruckzugreifen ist. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung setzt sich der Autor dabei intensiv mit der zum jeweiligen Problemfeld ergangenen Rechtsprechung auseina...
Muslimische Gemeinschaften in Deutschland (Leipziger Beitrage Zur Orientforschung, #27) (Leipziger Beitraege Zur Orientforschung, #27)
by Ibrahim Salama
Der Integrationsprozess der muslimischen Gemeinschaften ist seit Jahrzehnten im Gange, doch scheint er immer noch am Anfang zu stehen. Diese Arbeit behandelt das Thema aus juristischen, gesellschaftlichen, politischen, islam-rechtlichen und kulturellen Blickwinkeln. Die Analyse der Rechtslage und der Entscheidungen deutscher Gerichte im Bezug auf das Thema schafft einen umfassenden UEberblick uber den aktuellen Integrationsstand der Muslime in Deutschland. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Veroeffentlichu...
This book provides students with a three-dimensional picture of the most important cases that are addressed in civil rights courses. These stories give the students and faculty members a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural background of the cases and an insight into their long-term impact on the development of civil rights law.
In revising and updating Joseph Tussman's The Supreme Court on Church and State, Robert Alley has collected the major Supreme Court decisions on the separation of church and state to provide a comprehensive and non-partisan guide to the Court's opinions. Cases are presented in their entirety, with many essential dissenting opinions, and cover a representative sample of significant issues. With a historical introduction and a chart of Supreme Court Justices's votes, this book is an important re...
The Subjection of Women (Elecbook Classics) (John Stuart Mill)
by John Stuart Mill
In seeking to explain his opinions on a timeless subject--the relations between the sexes--John Stuart Mill admits that he has undertaken an arduous task. For "there are so many causes tending to make the feelings connected with this subject the most intense and most deeply-rooted of all those which gather round and protect old institutions and customs, that we need not wonder to find them as yet less undermined and loosened than any of the rest by the progress of the great modern spiritual and...
The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot was the country's bloodiest civil disturbance of the century. Thirty city blocks were burned to the ground, perhaps 150 died, and the prosperous black community of Greenwood, Oklahoma, was turned to rubble. Brophy draws on his own extensive research into contemporary accounts and court documents to chronicle this devastating riot, showing how and why the rule of law quickly eroded. Brophy shines his lights on mob violence and racism run amok, both on the night of the ri...
Civil War officer, Reconstruction "carpetbagger," best-selling novelist, and relentless champion of equal rights, Albion Tourgee battled his entire life for racial justice. Now, in this engaging biography, Mark Elliott offers an insightful portrait of a fearless lawyer, jurist, and writer, who fought for equality long after most Americans had abandoned the ideals of Reconstruction. Elliott provides a fascinating account of Tourgee's life, from his childhood in the Western Reserve region of Ohio...
Discursive Framings of Human Rights
What does it mean to be a subject of human rights? The status of the subject is closely connected with the form and rhetoric of the framing discourse, and this book investigates the relationship between the status of the subject and the form of human rights discourse, in differing aesthetic and social contexts. Historical as well as contemporary declarations of rights have stressed both the protective and political aspects of human rights. But in concrete situations and conflictual moments, the...
The Little Book of Race and Restorative Justice (Justice and Peacebuilding)
by Fania Davis
In our era of mass incarceration, gun violence, and Black Lives Matters, a handbook showing how racial justice and restorative justice can transform the African-American experience in America. This timely work will inform scholars and practitioners on the subjects of pervasive racial inequity and the healing offered by restorative justice practices. Addressing the intersectionality of race and the US criminal justice system, social activist Fania E. Davis explores how restorative justice has th...
Patient Autonomy and Criminal Law (Routledge Research in Health Law)
This book shows how the legal systems of individual European countries protect patient autonomy. In particular, it explains the role of criminal law, that is, what criminal law protection of patient autonomy looks like on a European scale in both legal and social dimensions. Despite EU integration processes, the work illustrates that the legal orders of individual European countries are far from uniform in this area. The concept of patient autonomy here is generally in the context of the patient...
Executed on a Technicality: Lethal Injustice on America's Death Row
by David Dow
This book examines the impact of transnationalism on the changing relationship between refugees and the state. It has three main themes: the unresolved theoretical debate about the impact of transnationalism on national-states; the increasingly transnational context within which asylum seekers and refugees move and are controlled and managed; the future of asylum and prospects for asylum seekers and refugees. The book is theoretically innovative, topical and based on recent, original empirical m...
Der Autor befasst sich in seiner Arbeit mit Rechtmassigkeitsanforderungen an im Fussballbetrieb durch Vereine und Verbande ausgesprochene Sanktionen, wobei er nach Unterwerfungsart (z. B. mittelbare Mitglieder, Arbeitnehmer, Lizenzierte) unterschiedliche Eingriffsgrundlagen und Befugnisse aufzeichnet. Nach der Darstellung von Organisationsstrukturen und grundlegenden Straferfordernissen, bei denen anerkannte Verfahrensgrundsatze und Grundrechte in den Sport ubertragen werden, bespricht der Verfa...
Die Arbeit behandelt die Voraussetzungen und Rechtsfolgen eines Rucktritts wegen Schlechtleistung beim Unternehmenskauf. Dazu werden die kaufrechtlichen Gewahrleistungsregelungen zum Rucktritt hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf den Unternehmenskauf gepruft. Daruber hinaus werden die Auswirkungen des rechtlichen Befundes in der Praxis dargestellt und bewertet. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Regelungen in rechtlicher sowie praktischer Hinsicht fur den Unternehmenskauf geeignet sind....
The right to land plays a key role in the realisation of a plethora of human rights, including the right to food, water, housing, employment, a clean and healthy environment, an adequate standard of living, social status and the power to make decisions. Property rights over land can take many forms, from mere access rights to ownership. Due to a growing world population and various global crises and developments such as agrarian reform, land is becoming scarce. The result is that land prices inc...
The Transition of Religion to Culture in Law and Public Discourse
by Lori Beaman
This book explores the recent trend toward the transformation of religious symbols and practices into culture in Western democracies. Analyses of three legal cases involving religion in the public sphere are used to illuminate this trend: a municipal council chamber; a town hall; and town board meetings. Each case involves a different national context—Canada, France and the United States—and each illustrates something interesting about the shape-shifting nature of religion, specifically its flex...
Die Liquiditaetszusage (Europaische Hochschulschriften Recht, #4747) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften Recht, #4747)
by Steffen Schniepp
Der Autor untersucht den Problemkreis der Liquiditatszusage in Abgrenzung zu anderen Kreditsicherungsmitteln, insbesondere zur Patronatserklarung. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob und wie eine einmal erteilte Zusage wieder ruckgangig gemacht werden kann und inwieweit dies von der wirtschaftlichen Situation der unterstutzten Gesellschaft abhangig ist. Den Abschluss bildet die Untersuchung des rechtlichen Schicksals der Zusage im Falle der Insolvenz der Gesellschaft. Dieser Problemkreis ist nich...
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit den Besonderheiten des kirchlichen (insbesondere des katholischen) Arbeitsrechts im Fall des Betriebsubergangs von weltlichen auf kirchliche Rechtstrager und umgekehrt. Eingeleitet wird die Bearbeitung mit einem Abriss uber den Ursprung der Privilegierung der Kirchen zur eigenen Rechtsetzung aus Art. 137 Abs. 3 WRV. Die Schwerpunkte der Betrachtung liegen auf der Darstellung der gesteigerten kirchlichen Loyalitatsobliegenheiten, der Vergleichbarkeit von Tarifvertrag u...
On Liberty is the story of today's threats to our freedoms and a highly personal, impassioned plea in defence of fundamental rights, from Shami Chakrabarti, the director of the advocacy group Liberty On 11 September 2001, our world changed. The West's response to 9/11 has morphed into a period of exception. Governments have decided that the rule of law and human rights are often too costly. In On Liberty, Shami Chakrabarti - who joined Liberty, the UK's leading civil rights organisation, on 10...
From the Kennedy administration through the end of the Reagan era, the Potomac Institute gave vital, behind-the-scenes support to countless public-and-private-sector initiatives related to equal opportunity, urban social problems, and race relations. Part history and part memoir of Harold C. Fleming, the institute's leader, The Potomac Chronicle tells for the first time how the institute served as a creative broker of talent, ideas, and resources among minorities, activists, and interest groups....