As Information Management put it, "On the strength of its currency and coverage alone, Franks' book is poised to take over as the recommended go-to reference for both students and RIM professionals for many years to come.” The new second edition cements this work’s status as an up-to-date classic, its content updated and expanded to address emerging technologies, most notably blockchain, and evolving standards and practices. Inside, Franks presents complete coverage of the records and informatio...
Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices (Connected Communities)
This innovative book examines the changing relationship between communities, citizens and the notion of the archive. Archives have traditionally been understood as repositories of knowledge and experience, remote from the ordinary people who fund and populate them, however digital resources have led to a growing plurality of archives and the practices associated with collecting and curating. This book uses a broad range of case studies which place communities at the heart of this exciting deve...
Information Beyond Borders
The period in Europe known as the Belle Epoque was a time of vibrant and unsettling modernization in social and political organization, in artistic and literary life, and in the conduct and discoveries of the sciences. These trends, and the emphasis on internationalization that characterized them, necessitated the development of new structures and processes for discovering, disseminating, manipulating and managing access to information. This book analyses the dynamics of the emerging networks o...
Moving Archives
The image of the dusty, undisturbed archive has been swept away in response to growing interest across disciplines in the materials they house and the desire to find and make meaning through an engagement with those materials. Archival studies scholars and archivists are developing related theoretical frameworks and practices that recognize that the archives are anything but static. Archival deposits are proliferating, and the architects, practitioners, and scholars engaged with them are scarcel...
Get Shit Done Darling! (Journals to Write In, Notebooks and Journals, Funny Gag Gifts, #6)
by Reebajaan
Anschriften Der Verlage Deutschsprachiger Schriften (Deutsche Nationalbibliographie / Reihe A, Jg. 1953)
Library and Information Studies for Arctic Social Sciences and Humanities
by Acadia Spencer and Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad
Library and Information Studies for Arctic Social Sciences and Humanities serves as a key interdisciplinary title that links the social sciences and humanities with current issues, trends, and projects in library, archival, and information sciences within shared Arctic frameworks and geographies. Including contributions from professionals and academics working across and on the Arctic, the book presents recent research, theoretical inquiry, and applied professional endeavours at academic and pu...
Archives 101 (American Association for State and Local History)
by Lois Hamill
Many people believe that what is on the Internet will be around forever. At the same time, warnings of an impending "digital dark age"-where records of the recent past become completely lost or inaccessible-appear with regular frequency in the popular press. It's as if we need a system to safeguard our digital records for future scholars and researchers. Digital preservation experts, however, suggest that this is an illusory dream not worth chasing. Ensuring long-term access to digital informati...
Sustainable Enterprise Strategies for Optimizing Digital Stewardship (Lita Guides)
by Angela Fritz
New Directions in Information Organization (Library and Information Science, #7)
New Directions in Information Organization, co-edited by Dr. Jung-ran Park and Dr. Lynne Howarth seeks to provide an overview and understanding of the future directions, leading edge theories and models for research and practice in information organization. New information standards and digital library technologies are being developed at a rapid pace as diverse communities of practice seek new ways to organize massive quantities of digital resources. Today's digital information explosion creates...
Trust and Records in an Open Digital Environment explores issues that arise when digital records are entrusted to the cloud and will help professionals to make informed choices in the context of a rapidly changing digital economy. Showing that records need to ensure public trust, especially in the era of alternative truths, this volume argues that reliable resources, which are openly accessible from governmental institutions, e-services, archival institutions, digital repositories, and cloud-b...
The Fifteenth-Century Book (Publications of the A. S. W. Rosenbach Fellowship in Bibliog)
by Curt F Buhler
The fifteenth century, one of the most curious and confused periods in recorded history, witnessed amazing developments in the printing industry and in the production of books. The present volume surveys the history of the manufacture of books throughout the fifteenth century, whether written by hand or produced by the press, and points out that both methods faced very similar problems and found almost identical solutions for them. Actually, the fifteenth century itself saw no material differenc...
An American Political Archives Reader
The personal papers of former members of Congress, which constitute at least half of the documentation of the legislative branch of government, are held in over 500 different institutions. An American Political Archives Reader performs the vital task of making these collections more accessible by presenting the best and most recent scholarship on congressional collections. The articles contained in this volume guide archivists through the challenges of dealing with these voluminous, complex col...
The ideas, perspectives, and methodologies that inform contemporary documentary editing and the production of editions of archival sources [print and digital] have their origins in earlier eras of editing. Editor-historians active in the 1930s-1960s engaged in editorial work that also expressed itself as a form of archival criticism. The emergence of this archival criticism remains under examined. This has consequences for our broader understanding of LIS and archival history, while limiting cri...
This issue of Library Technology Reports (vol. 58, no. 1), "Library Engagement Platforms," introduces library engagement platforms, explains what types of interactions take place while using them, and illustrates why libraries need to utilize them to connect with their customers. These interactions take place using a variety of communication channels, including e-mail, text messages, and mobile phone notifications. The end goal of a library engagement platform isn't the messaging; it's engaging...
The Remaking of Archival Values (Routledge Studies in Archives)
by Victoria Hoyle
The Remaking of Archival Values posits that archival theory and practice are fields in flux, and that recent critical archival discourse that addresses neoliberalism, racism, the legacies of colonialism and patriarchy represents a disruption not only to established principles but to the values that underpin them. Using critical discourse analysis and comparing theory and practice from the UK and the Anglophone world, Hoyle explores the challenges faced by scholars, institutions, organizations,...
Performing Digital
Digital technologies have transformed archives in every area of their form and function, and as technologies mature so does their capacity to change our understanding and experience of material and performative cultural production. There has been an exponential explosion in the production and consumption of video online and yet there is a scarcity of knowledge and cases about video and the digital archive. This book seeks to address that through the lens of the project Circus Oz Living Archive....
Throughout his career in poetry, Seamus Heaney maintained roles in education and was a visible presence in the print and broadcast media. Seamus Heaney and Society presents a dynamic new engagement with one of the most celebrated poets of the modern period, examining the ways in which his work as a poet was shaped by his work as a teacher, lecturer, critic, and public figure. Drawing on a range of archival material, this book revives the varied contexts within which Heaney's work was written, p...