Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management)
by Elias G. Carayannis, Elpida T. Samara, and Yannis L. Bakouros
This book aims to meet the needs of education and training in modern techniques of innovation and entrepreneurship, and focuses on the detailed presentation of successful business practices. As today's global economic landscape is changing rapidly, the ability of businesses to introduce new products and services to the market faster than their competitors is perhaps their most distinct competitive advantage. This becomes obvious by the significant market share that the most innovative companies...
This book introduces readers to co-creation --- a complex, value-based, context-driven and collaborative effort to develop new paradigms, products and services to satisfy human wants. Co-creation is built not only around the perceptions of challenges, cause-and-effect relationships and constraints, but also around available alternatives for dealing with or overcoming those challenges. Co-creation is not about transferring or outsourcing activities, and neither is it about the customization of pr...
This book is concerned with the importance of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Usability, user participants, and Sustainability in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry throughout the world. ICT has become a crucial instrument for communication, entertainment, commerce and research and this increased usage is presenting new environmental and sustainability issues as we try and meet the ever growing needs of both businesses and individuals. Sustainability must become central...
The book explores, for India and other developing countries, the potential role the organized manufacturing sector could play as an engine of growth. Alongside growth, can this sector generate adequate employment opportunities to facilitate the transfer of labour from the agriculture sector? The book identifies the major constraints that result in limited demand for labour in the organised manufacturing sector. Beyond technological aspects, skill shortage is an important factor, resulting in slu...
Open Innovation in R&D Departments (Forschungs-/Entwicklungs-/Innovations-Management)
by Verena Nedon
Based on interviews with R&D managers and a survey amongst R&D employees, Verena Nedon shows that perceived social pressure has an immense impact on R&D employees working in OI-projects. Employees’ attitude (regardless of whether positive or negative) and perceived behavioral control play an important, but not dominant role. The study also implies that intrinsic motivators have a stronger effect on employees’ willingness to engage in knowledge exchange with external partners than extrinsic compo...
This invaluable book provides a comprehensive overview of twenty years of research on the economics of innovation and patent policies. Edited by Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, the papers in this volume witness twenty years of advanced empirical research — triggered by intensive collaboration and inspired by his own professional experience at the OECD, METI and the European Patent Office. The Editor's publications in these fields have greatly contributed to better understand how innovati...
The Intelligent Organisation proposes a radically different way of designing organisations to capitalise on the potential offered by contemporary information capability. Intelligent Organisations, designed backwards from their customers, recognise information as their key source of competitive advantage. An Intelligent Organisation uses information to drive learning and adaptation at the level of individuals, tasks, processes and the whole organisation, to deliver transformational changes in bus...
Revolutionizing Innovation (Revolutionizing Innovation) (The MIT Press)
The last two decades have witnessed an extraordinary growth of new models of managing and organizing the innovation process that emphasizes users over producers. Large parts of the knowledge economy now routinely rely on users, communities, and open innovation approaches to solve important technological and organizational problems. This view of innovation, pioneered by the economist Eric von Hippel, counters the dominant paradigm, which cast the profit-seeking incentives of firms as the main dri...
Netzwerke zwischen Wissenschaft und Technik (Innovation Und Entrepreneurship)
by Jan Kirsten
The Ikea Edge: Building Global Growth and Social Good at the World's Most Iconic Home Store
by Anders Dahlvig
Praise for The IKEA Edge"A very good book from a talented business leader [that links] values, culture, and the achievement of business and social objectives together. I have read it now three times and learned something from every passage."-Michael Spence, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, 2001"With Anders Dahlvig's recommendations, we could solve many of the world's problems by persuading the big multinationals to change their Memorandum and Articles of Association. B...
Dieser Sammelband stellt innovative Methoden, Konzepte und Werkzeuge zur Transformation klassischer Dienstleistungen zu sogenannten „Smart Services“ vor. Durch Digitalisierung, Individualisierung und Kundenzentrierung entstehen flexible und zukunftsweisende Modelle, die branchenübergreifend als Schlüssel zu erfolgreichen Dienstleistungsinnovationen zu nutzen sind. Zahlreiche Beispiele verdeutlichen die Leistungsfähigkeit und die praktische Umsetzbarkeit der Smart Services als wesentliche Kompone...
Was ist eine Smart City?
by Gordon Muller-Seitz, Mischa Seiter, and Patrick Wenz
Dieses Fachbuch beschreibt die zentralen Herausforderungen, mit denen sich Städte konfrontiert sehen und zeigt Ansätze, welche Handlungsoptionen sich den Städten aus Sicht des Städtemanagements bieten. Angesichts der in Deutschland und weltweit zu beobachtenden steigenden Urbanisierung ist die Auseinandersetzung mit Smart Cities ein zentrales gesellschaftspolitisches Thema. Zur Erhaltung der Zukunftsfähigkeit von Städten wird erörtert, welche zentralen Themenfelder am dringendsten zu berücksicht...
Enabling Innovation
The capability to innovate in an on-going manner is emerging as a decisive key factor in today's world of business and work. The ability to stay competitive is becoming identical with the ability to innovate. This book originated from the research and development project “International Monitoring” and outlines the topic of innovative capability from a practice-oriented angle. Contributions of German and international experts offer an enlightening glimpse behind the scenes of innovations. The cen...
Daten sind die strategische Ressource des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es findet kein Geschäftsprozess, keine Kommunikation zwischen Geschäftspartnern, keine Wertschöpfung statt, ohne dass die involvierten Personen, Maschinen und IT-Systeme Daten nutzen, erzeugen oder verändern. Trends wie die Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 und Social Media tragen ebenfalls dazu bei, dass Datenmanagement zu einer Kernkompetenz für erfolgreiche Unternehmen dieser Zeit geworden ist. Damit Daten ihren ganzen Wert entfalten kö...
Advances in Technology and Management (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, #165)
This book Advances in Technology and Management contains 116 full length papers presented at the International Conference on Technology and Management, held on June 12-13, 2012, Jeju-Island, Korea. The goal of ICTAM 2012 is to bring together researchers working in many different areas of technology and management to foster international collaborations and exchange of new ideas. This volume can be divided into two sections on the basis of the classification of manuscripts considered. The firs...
Die zunehmende Verbreitung und steigende Abhängigkeit von Informationstechnologien und darauf aufsetzender Dienste führen zu bisher unberücksichtigten ökologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen. Das IT-Management sieht sich aufgrund dieser Entwicklung mit neuen Anforderungen seitens der Geschäftsbereiche, der Kunden und der Mitarbeiter konfrontiert. Wachsender Energieverbrauch beim Betrieb und der Nutzung von IT-Infrastrukturen bei kontinuierlich steigenden Rechenleistungen sowie die immer kürz...
Intellectual Property Management in F&E-Kooperationen
by Daniel Gredel
Dieses Buch zeigt den Forschungsstand zum Management von geistigem Eigentum (Intellectual Property, IP) in Innovationskooperationen auf und systematisiert vorhandene Erkenntnisse. Auf der Basis von empirischen Projektanalysen erarbeitet Daniel Gredel eine Systematik für das IP-Management in Innovationspartnerschaften. Die Systematik ermöglicht den strategischen Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum in Innovationskooperationen - von der IP-Analyse vor der Kooperation bis hin zur Kommerzialisierung der ge...
Geschäftsmodellentwicklung im Spannungsfeld multinationaler Unternehmen
by Lutz Gocke
Der Autor entwickelt in dieser Arbeit einen integrativen Ansatz zur Entwicklung und Internationalisierung von Geschäftsmodellen in multinationalen Unternehmen (MNU). Weiterhin konzipiert er den Geschäftsmodellkern als zentrales Werkzeug zur internationalen Skalierung von Geschäftsmodellen. Die konzeptionelle Entwicklung des integrativen Ansatzes und des Geschäftsmodellkerns basieren auf einer tiefgehenden Fallstudie im Kontext der Elektromobilität. Anhand der Fallstudie wird aufgezeigt, wie sich...
Clemens Mast analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen der Größe von Unternehmen und dem Erfolg einer Geschäftsmodellinnovation, dem neuen Innovationstypus, der eigenständig und komplementär zu Produkt-, Prozess- und Dienstleistungsinnovation wirkt. Basierend auf empirischen Studien verdeutlicht der Autor, dass insbesondere der technologisch dominierende deutsche Mittelstand bei der Geschäftsmodellinnovation schnell ins Hintertreffen geraten kann. Während Großkonzerne ihre Skalierungsvorteile und Sta...
For Student Orientation classes. This well-written text started as a professor's advice to help his own students succeed in and out of the classroom. This brief text serves as a reference tool to improve writing, grammar, and punctuation, as well as gives information about studying, exam taking, classes, and “the care and feeding of professors.” Also includes a short introduction to critical thinking and logic with exercises.
Companies don't innovate - people do! With today's markets changing at warp-speed, no existing business believes it has a future without a strong focus on innovation. Companies with bold leadership are attempting to create a culture in which innovation can flourish. To do so, they need radical innovators and business activists. This is what Lessons in Radical Innovation is about. There are many books on innovation, but this is the first to take the debate from the corporate level to the indiv...