Events und Messen im digitalen Zeitalter (Markenkommunikation Und Beziehungsmarketing)
Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Tagungsbandes diskutieren den Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Live Communication und liefern Erklärungsansätze für den erfolgreichen Einsatz digitaler Technologien in der Event- und Messebranche. Der Band fasst die auf der 11. Wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Eventforschung, die am 25.10.2019 an der TU Chemnitz stattfand, vorgestellten und diskutierten aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema Events und Messen im digitalen Zeitalter zusammen. Ergänzt wird das Schw...
Kongruenz in der Crossmedia-Kommunikation (Schriftenreihe Der Hhl Leipzig Graduate School of Management)
by Christina Beyer
Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Crossmedia-Kommunikation im Vergleich zu monomedialen Kampagnen eine höhere Werbewirkung erzielen kann. Wichtige Einflussfaktoren stellen hierbei die inhaltliche und formale Ausgestaltung sowie der Grad der Integration – also die Kongruenz – der Werbemittel dar. Christina Beyer untersucht die Wirkung von inhaltlicher sowie formaler (In-)Kongruenz auf den Werbeerfolg und leitet Implikationen für die Kommunikationspolitik ab. Eine Inhaltsanalyse von Online- und Of...
Die Abgrenzung von Angeboten der Wettbewerber sowie die Profilierung der eigenen Leistungen gegenüber den Kunden ist insbesondere bei Commodities, d. h. undifferenzierten, homogenen und maßgeblich über den Preis unterscheidbaren Leistungen, eine große Herausforderung. Die Besonderheiten von Commodities haben dabei einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Ausgestaltung der Management- und Marketingaktivitäten. Renommierte Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis liefern in „Commodity Marketing“ den State o...
Steuerung von Akteuren und Entscheidungen in Baunetzwerken
by Mart Verhoog
Vor dem Hintergrund bisheriger Zurückhaltung von Wohneigentümern bei der energetischen Gebäudesanierung untersucht Mart Verhoog wie Baubeteiligte und Baubeteiligten-Netzwerke die Sanierungsentscheidung von Wohneigentümern beeinflussen. Hierzu kombiniert der Autor erstmalig Modelle der Konsumentenverhaltensforschung mit der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse. Die empirische Untersuchung unter Wohneigentümern wurde in Kooperation mit der gemeinnützigen Beratungsgesellschaft Co2online aus Berlin durchgeführt...
Stress, Affluence and Sustainable Consumption (Routledge Studies in Sustainability)
by Cecilia Soler
Why do affluent consumers almost automatically acquire new versions or variations of products already at their disposal? Even though most of us know that this novelty consumption poses a serious threat to an environmentally and socially sustainable future, we continue to do it. Why? Research shows that consumption of new automobiles, clothing, furniture, electronics, home furnishing, household apparel, mobile phones, etc., is motivated by a desire to feel more secure, less anxious and better m...
Luxury and Fashion Marketing (Routledge Studies in Marketing)
by Satyendra Singh
The globalization of the world’s markets has forced luxury brands to, in turn, become global and accessible in many developing countries and emerging markets. As a result, the demand for these luxury products has increased globally, creating a need for an education in luxury that acknowledges the global perspective yet, at the same time, incorporates subtle regional nuances into luxury and fashion marketing. Keeping this global and regional perspective, Luxury and Fashion Marketing: The Global...
The best customer for any business is a content customer. The happy customer returns again and again, brings his friends and relatives, and their loyalty becomes a marketing platform of its own. But growing a loyal base is challenging, and what works brilliantly for one company might backfire on another. Over the last ten years, however, researchers and psychologists have begun to measure customer happiness in a meaningful way for the first time, and in this revealing look at the power of positi...
Maria Schneider-Reißig untersucht das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten von Verbrauchern im Umgang mit Krediten. Dies wird unter dem Begriff Debt Literacy subsumiert. Die Autorin erstellt ein Konzept für Debt Literacy, das auf Ergebnissen von Expertenbefragungen basiert. Mit einer Kreditwissensnorm veranschaulicht sie, was einen finanziell hinreichend gebildeten und kompetenten Verbraucher kennzeichnet. In einem von der Autorin entwickelten Leistungstest zum Kreditwissen kann ein Teil der kognitiven Fä...
While the west has experienced multiple post-war economic, social and political revolutions, India by contrast has had two distinct moments of transformation in the past century: Independence in 1947 and the economic liberalisation that began in 1991. Midnight’s Grandchildren are the offspring of India’s second social and economic revolution. India’s millennial generation, coming of age post-1991, have grown up in a world of opportunity and relative abundance. Many institutions – family, marria...
Community Sourcebook of Zip Code Demographics (Community Sourcebook of Zip Code Demographics)
Having a grasp on what appeals to consumers and how consumers are making purchasing decisions is essential to the success of any organization that thrives by offering a product or service. Despite the importance of consumer knowledge and understanding, research-based insight into the buying patterns and consumption habits of individuals in emerging nations remains limited. The Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behavior in Developing Nations takes a critical look at the often overloo...
Foundations of Corporate Heritage
Heritage is increasingly recognised as a significant corporate concern, with corporate heritage brands and identities often forming an important part of a nation's patrimony. Foundations of Corporate Heritage explains the principles, processes, strategic significance – and challenges – of corporate heritage formation and management. This scholarly but accessible anthology includes seminal articles on the territory and also includes five new contributions with questions for study and reflection w...
Eat Your Own Lunch
by Nathalie Schooling and Brendon Bairstow-Klopper
The world is a better place than it used to be. People are healthier, wealthier, and live longer. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many has left gaping inequalities between people and nations. In The Great Escape, Angus Deaton--one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty--tells the remarkable story of how, beginning 250 years ago, some parts of the world experienced sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's disproportionately unequal world...
In History of Korean Modern Retailing Jong-Hyun Yi shows how the Korean retail industry has developed since the 1970s, focusing on the relationship among government, consumers and retail companies, especially the department store. While generally it is said that underdevelopment of the Korean retail industry in the 1970s was attributed to economic immaturity, he argues it was artificially formed by strong consumption repression by the government. He also examines how consumption repression contr...
The science, mechanics, demographics, and dynamaics of shopping.
Supermarkets, in all their everyday mundanity, embody something of the enormous complexity of living and consuming in late twentieth century western societies. Shelf Life, first published in 1998, explores the supermarket as a retail space and as an arena of everyday consumption in Australia. It historically situates and critically discusses the everyday food products we buy, the retail environments in which we do so, the attitudes of the retailers who construct such environments, and the divers...
Luxury isn't just for the rich, says James B. Twitchell. Today you don't need a six-figure income to wear pashmina, drink a limited-edition coffee at Starbucks, or drive a Mercedes home to collapse on the couch in front of a flat-screen plasma TV. In Living It Up, sharp-eyed consumer anthropologist Twitchell takes a witty and insightful look at luxury -- what it is, who defines it, and why we can't seem to get enough of it. In recent years, says Twitchell, luxury spending has grown much fast...
The Microstructures of Housing Markets
House prices and mortgage debt have moved to centre stage in the management of national economies, regional development and neighbourhood change. Describing, analysing and understanding how housing markets work within and across these scales of economy and society has never been more urgent. But much more is known about the macro-scales than the microstructures; and about the economic rather than social drivers of housing market dynamics. This book redresses the balance. It shows that housing ma...
The Curses of a Thousand Mothers - How we Pursue Joyful Sins (Executive Self Help Novel, #6)
by Thejendra B S
We live in a culture of choice. But, in an age of corporate dominance, our freedom to choose has taken on new meaning. Upset with your local big box store? Object to unfair hiring practices at your neighbourhood fast food restaurant? Want to protest the opening of that new multinational coffeeshop? Vote with your feet! What if it's not that simple? In "No One Makes You Shop at Wal-Mart," Tom Slee unpacks the implications of our fervent belief in the power of choice. Pointing out that individ...