How to Love by Katie Cotugno

How to Love

by Katie Cotugno

16-årige Reena bliver endelig kæreste med Sawyer, som hun har været hemmeligt forelsket i altid. Hun er på vej på college, han ud i noget skidt, og da han forlader hende og Florida efter et skænderi, er hun gravid. Nu tre år senere dukker han op igen og ved ikke, at han er blevet far

Reviewed by bumblingbookworm on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on The Bumbling Bookworm

I've gotta say, I LOVED the relationship between Reena and Sawyer. Their families were friends and business partners, and they'd known each other for as long as they can remember, but Reena's love for Sawyer was one-sided in the beginning. Their relationship was certainly disfunctional and messy when they got together in the Before, where they're haunted by a mutual personal tragedy that occurred around the same time that their relationship started. Sawyer, however, has ISSUES - he's a bit of a cliched tortured musician type. The relationship doesn't last long before he disappears, unknowingly leaving Reena pregnant in the process. In the After, it's about Sawyer trying to make amends and Reena trying to work out how she feels and what's best for her little family - her current, stable partner, or Sawyer? I won't give away the ending, but I was certainly pulling for Sawyer!

Check out the rest of my review here!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 April, 2014: Reviewed