Secrets of Aromatherapy by Jennie Harding

Secrets of Aromatherapy

by Jennie Harding

The "Secrets of ..." series offer a unique juxtaposition of theory and practice, providing clear, full explanations which demystify each subject and show you the best way to apply it. This title details the key essential oils used. It shows you how to put them to practical use in treating specific problems. Jargon free approach makes aromatherapy easy to understand for the newcomer.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Secrets of Aromatherapy is a new theory and practice guide for aromatherapy in the Holistic Secrets series. Released 7th April by Quarto on their Chartwell imprint, it's 224 pages and available in paperback format.

This is a well written, accessible, and fairly systematic treatment of the subject matter. Graphically, it's an appealing book with copious photographs, line drawings, and a clean and logical layout. The text is easy to understand and utilize. The introductory sections cover what aromatherapy is, some historical background and general information about the subject. The author continues with a general chapter about specific oils along with carrier oils and uses followed by an in-depth chapter on practical uses and specific applications, including a really useful section on self-massage. I liked that the book utilized modes of different ages and ethnicities. The book also includes a photo-tutorial about what to expect during a professional consultation from a practitioner. The author has included a good glossary, links and resources list, and index.

Although the entire series has an alternative/holistic feel, this book in particular is presented very professionally and doesn't leave the reader with much of an impressions of "woo woo" or pseudo-science (although there a mention of meridians and pathways - nearly all of the book is science based and sound).

Four stars. Illuminating, useful and worthwhile.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 April, 2020: Finished reading
  • 13 April, 2020: Reviewed