Bear Meets Girl by Shelly Laurenston

Bear Meets Girl (Pride, #7)

by Shelly Laurenston

He's big, burly, and way smarter than your average shapeshifting bear. He's also about to get trapped by own his game. . .

Lou Crushek is a reasonable, mellow, easygoing kind of guy. But once someone starts killing the scumbags he works so hard to bust, that really gets under his fur. Especially when that someone is a curvy she-tiger with a skill set that's turning Crush's lone-bear world upside down--and bringing his passion out of hibernation. . .

As a member of an elite feline protection unit, Marcella Malone has no problem body-dropping anyone who hunts her kind. But Crush is proving one major pain in her gorgeous tail. The only reason she's joined forces with him is to track down the wealthy human who's got her entire species in his ruthless sights. It sure isn't because Crush's stubborn and contrary attitude is rubbing Cella in all the right ways. . .

"Laurenston's characters shine with wit and depth." --Publishers Weekly on Belong to the Night

Reviewed by kim620 on

5 of 5 stars

Poor Lou never had a chance with Malone, LOL. The first scene was hysterical and perfect. What a ball buster Malone is and she just doesn't give up. She knows it gets to him and she loves it. Lou on the other hand didn't know it but needed Malone in his life. Another great story for the Pride series.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 October, 2012: Reviewed