Use Somebody by Beck Anderson

Use Somebody (Fix You, #3)

by Beck Anderson

Jeremy King, Hollywood uber-agent to the stars, knows that sharks gotta swim. He's one of them, after all. He's never met a deal he couldn't strike or an argument he couldn't win. LA is his kind of town-they both never stop moving.

So when his friend and client, movie star Andrew Pettigrew, invites him on a "man-cation" to the wilds of Eastern Idaho for a little fly-fishing, Jeremy's not so sure. He might not have cell service. There's no way there'll be any supermodels to woo. And his idea of the great outdoors is a drive down the Pacific Coast Highway in his Tesla Model S-moose definitely do not factor into the picture.

Fitting then that he meets Macy Shea Summerlin, the best fly-fishing guide on the South Fork, by way of a moose. Jeremy's surprised and tantalized, but Macy isn't having any of his alpha male posturing. She gives as good as she gets, and she knows how to throw a mean right hook.

As the two of them get tangled up in each other's lives, both Jeremy and Macy must come to terms with winning and losing and letting love in. And Jeremy has to find the answer to his own question: Is he simply "using" Macy or could he really "use" someone like her? Find out in Use Somebody, book 3 of the Fix You series.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

When I first "met" Jeremy in FIX YOU (Andrew and Kelly's 1st book) there was something about this Hollywood agent that I liked. He wasn't slimy and you could tell that he truly had Andrew's best interest at heart. Needless to say, I was excited when I discovered Jeremy was getting this own story. I wanted to know exactly what kind of woman was going to bring this guy to his knees. I definitely wasn't expected a fly fishing guide to be that person.

Jeremy meets Macy when he's taking a guy's weekend with Andrew and company. He rarely takes time off and begrudgingly agreed to this trip for his star/best friend. But when he see Macy, there's something about her that calls to him. Makes him stick his foot in his mouth more times that he wishes and brings out a base need to protect her. He isn't sure why, because she's surly, but he has this desire to get around his gruff exterior and force her to use his first name and to let him inside. It takes a lot of work of Jeremy, something he normally doesn't have to do when it comes to women, but it makes him appreciate Macy that much more.

Macy was a hard woman to like. Her standoffish attitude was a little hard to work around and often had me wondering why Jeremy was trying so hard. I think the essence of Macy was somewhat lost in translation because there was something about her character that words just couldn't seem to convey. She was at peace fishing on the river and I think she would have packed a more powerful punch if I could see her (I had this vision in my head of Brad Pit in "A River Runs Through It" and the peace and calmness he always seemed to have when fishing. But I needed that visual of Macy in the same way).

The relationship between Macy and Jeremy left me unfulfilled. The insta-love like relationship just didn't seem to work with them. Macy was too prickly and the majority of their relationship too antagonistic to believe that they were in love that quickly. To me, Macy would have required a slow building relationship. Trust would have to be earned and she wouldn't give that up too easily, given the life she had lived. No matter how wonderful Jeremy was and the things he did for her, he'd have to work long and hard for her.

USE SOMEBODY was a good read, but I needed more relationship building between this couple to believe their HEA when it came.

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  • 10 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2016: Reviewed