Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust

Girls Made of Snow and Glass

by Melissa Bashardoust

At sixteen, Mina's mother is dead, her magician father is vicious, and her silent heart has never beat with love for anyone-has never beat at all, in fact, but she'd always thought that fact normal. She never guessed that her father cut out her heart and replaced it with one of glass. When she moves to Whitespring Castle and sees its king for the first time, Mina forms a plan: win the king's heart with her beauty, become queen, and finally know love. The only catch is that she'll have to become a stepmother.

Fifteen-year-old Lynet looks just...Read more

Reviewed by HekArtemis on

3 of 5 stars

Great story but you can really tell this was a debut novel. Room for improvement when it comes to writing style, but I look forward to seeing how Bashardousts writing does improve in the future.

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  • 26 March, 2019: Reviewed