Aphrodite by George O'Connor

Aphrodite (Olympians, #6)

by George O'Connor

In volume six of Olympians, graphic novel author/artist George O'Connor turns the spotlight on Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Look for the same thoroughly researched and wonderfully accessible comics storytelling as O'Connor tackles the story of the Aphrodite from her dramatic birth (emerging from sea-foam) to her role in the Trojan War. O'Connor has outdone himself with this volume: the story is riveting and the artwork is beyond compare. Greek mythology has never been so vivid!

Reviewed by Rinn on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free from Netgalley, in exchange for a review. Review also posted on my blog, Rinn Reads.

I am a big mythology buff, as well as a fan of graphic novels, so I was instantly drawn to this book when I saw it on Netgalley. It is part of a series about each of the Olympian gods, this one focusing on the first appearance of Aphrodite, through her immortal life until her role in the Trojan War, narrated by the three of the Muses.

I wasn't sure of the target audience when I requested this one, but I'd say it was aimed at middle grade and above - many of the stories are toned down for the reader, for example Aphrodite's birth is originally quite a bit more graphic than it appears in this book. It is definitely not one for young children though - I feel like the names and events would be too much to take in, and much of the humour would probably go right over their heads. It was quite nice to have these humorous moments that relied on a previous knowledge of Greek mythology: for example, Ares' and Aphrodite's flirting as a nod to their later affair, hints of Zeus' infidelity, Aphrodite wondering why she has little effect on Athena, Hestia and Artemis, who were the three virgin goddesses. Despite this, I think it is a great way for those unfamiliar with Greek mythology to learn a little about it.

The representations of the Olympian gods were quite 'standard', as you'd expect them to appear, with the exception of Hera. Often represented as beautiful, being the 'motherly' wife of Zeus (despite some of her horrific acts), Hera looks more like a stern school-mistress in this, with her sallow skin, gaunt cheeks and hair pulled high and tight. It was an interesting representation, more accurately representing her personality and jealous character than some other works.

As for the artwork, it wasn't outstanding but the forms were nice and the artist chose a lovely colour palette. My favourite image was the first full one we saw of Aphrodite, just as she comes out of the ocean with a dress made of seawater and flowers sprouting up at her feet.

Recommended for mythology fans, and a great read for anyone wanting to read more about the Greek legends. The author includes a small notes section and profile on Aphrodite at the back, for anyone wanting more information.

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  • 1 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2013: Reviewed