Lady Mechanika Volume 3 by Marcia Chen

Lady Mechanika Volume 3

by Marcia Chen

Lady Mechanika's investigation into the murders of "undesirable" children in Mechanika City triggers an unexpected reaction from her subconscious self. But are they truly lost memories finally surfacing after so many years, or just simple nightmares? And what connection does the killer have to Lady Mechanika's past? Collects the complete third Lady Mechanika mini-series, The Lost Boys of West Abbey, including extra pages which were not published in the original comic books.

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

Lady Mechanika has quickly become one of my favorite series. The artwork alone is exquisite – I actually think it may be my favorite out of everything else I read, which is saying something. Every time I see a cover image I’m tempted to try and find a print of it to buy. They’re absolutely striking.
This is the third volume in the series (though there’s also another one that is a one-shot). I don’t advise reading them out of order, as they’ve been delicately weaving the backstory and history of Lady Mechanika as well as giving us subtle hints to her creation. They’re the sort of thing you want to read in order.
I know I’m behind in reading this volume, and I regret that. However at least the next volume is due out soon and that was all the motivation I needed to get caught up. Here’s hoping I actually stay caught up this time.

Like the other volumes before this one, Lady Mechanika vol. 3 is full of beautiful artwork, striking color palettes, fascinating technology, and interesting plots. We have the main plot, which has been ongoing since the first issue, but then there are also shorter stories occurring within the series as well. Sometimes these events end up tying in with the main plot, and sometimes not.
This is one of the shorter plots for Lady Mechanika, but it’s also incredibly well done. The plot really lent to the aesthetic of the series, and vice versa. Lady Mechanika is still on the hunt for hints for her past. She still doesn’t know who created/altered her, though the flashbacks are getting more frequent and detailed. Her hunt brings her to a small town with a series of irregular events.
Murders have been occurring, and little orphans going missing. These events would normally have been overlooked, it is sad to say, had it not been for the kind hearted police officer introduced in this volume. If it wasn’t for his actions these cases would never have made it to the news, and thus to Lady Mechanika’s attention.
The mystery is heartbreaking and fascinating, and the new character perfectly supported the story – especially because he cares so much about the missing boys, and can empathize with their experiences. I actually really liked him, so I hope we see him again someday. Granted, I feel like I’m always saying this about the new characters introduced. I suppose that says quite a lot about the writing style and quality for this series, doesn’t it?
I still can’t get over how well done the steam punk elements are. They’re beautifully rendered and they even make an attempt to have it all be logical. They’re also more macabre as needed, like in this plot. It’s outstanding and terrifying at the same time.
I’m very much looking forward to the fourth volume; perhaps we’ll learn a bit more about Lady Mechanika’s past? I also hope to see more of Fred – she’s so cute. I love her. Though naturally I fear for all the characters beside the main one, with a series like this you never know who is and isn’t safe, you know?

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  • Started reading
  • 22 June, 2018: Finished reading
  • 22 June, 2018: Reviewed