Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

Gavin was on my radar from the very beginning. I tend to be interested in the most baggage carrying character, the man who needs the most care and love.

Gavin and Kenna certainly had a lot of issues between the two of them but in this case, Kenna's certainly seemed to be much more difficult to work through. Gavin was so loving and made it clear what he wanted from Kenna.

Kenna had made some very bad decisions where men were concerned and in many ways, compromised her own ability to consent on many things. She chose men who were more about themselves and what they wanted and she ended up high and dry and very unhappy.

The biggest thing I took away from this was Gavin and his ability to give Kenna herself back. He constantly made sure that she knew she was in charge and had the ability to make her own decisions. Gavin was certainly a patient man and Kenna was a very spirited and determined woman, which Gavin loved about her.

I've really enjoyed this series and I'm sad that it is ending.

*Copy provided by publisher via Netgalley.

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  • 2 September, 2018: Reviewed