Nick and June Were Here by Shalanda Stanley

Nick and June Were Here

by Shalanda Stanley

Girl in Pieces meets All the Bright Places in this heartbreaking story of two teens who are determined to stay together in a world tearing them apart.

Nick and June were best friends for years, until their relationship suddenly turned into something more. Now, June is coping with a new diagnosis of schizophrenia, a secret she asked Nick to keep for too long. Between managing her symptoms and her parents, June is just trying to keep it together. Nick is a reluctant car thief, supporting his aunt with the money and focusing on his art whenever he can. But when June's condition sends her to the hospital and Nick's latest crime threatens to land him in prison, the two decide to run away. When the world is trying to tear them apart, can Nick and June find a way to stay together?

This emotional, lyrical novel will tug at your heartstrings and make you think twice about what you would give up for love, even if it's a piece of yourself.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Warning: This was not a fluffy, simple, two-teens-in-love story. This was a story of a love that survived and flourished despite some really difficult circumstances, and about the tough choices one must make for those they love.

• Pro: My emotions were all over the place reading this book. Both Nick and June had serious issues to deal with. Nick was trying to escape a life of crime, and June was dealing with her recent diagnosis of schizophrenia. These were the really painful parts, but the parts, when Nick and June were able to just be NickAndJune were beautiful.

• Pro: I personally thought June's hospital stay was well done. Her sessions with the doctor and the steps taken to diagnose her, rang true for me. In general, the mental health issues were handled thoughtfully and with care.

• Pro: I guess the main focus was the love shared between Nick and June, but familial and non-romantic love was also explored, and it was done quite beautifully.

• Pro: It's impressive, that this didn't turn into some over the top drama. If you look at all the pieces, it totally could have, but Stanley carefully crafted the story, and each element was used judiciously, resulting in something that was really meaningful and pleasing.

• Pro: Every character was well drawn. It was easy to feel something for each and every one of them, and my heart especially ached for Nick, June, and June's parents.

• Pro: At one point, I put up an update about how I felt this story couldn't end well, and I was sort of right. It wouldn't have been realistic if it did, but what Stanley gave me, was an ending that was real, but hopeful.

Overall: An achingly beautiful love story between two people, who had so many obstacles in their way, but were determined to love each other in defiance of it all.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • Started reading
  • 25 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 25 January, 2019: Reviewed