Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

Unbridled is a collection of three short stories set in the Alex Crocker, Seer Series, each highlighting one of the female’s lives and part of their lives with their mates. Each story has a bit of a overall story connecting each story, so if you choose to buy them separately then just keep that in mind. Also these do reference the happenings of Unforeseen and Unveiled, and while it’s not entirely necessary to read these before I do recommend it as there are some spoiler-y bits.

I’m quite the fan of Lauren’s series. It has some incredible and unique vampire lore, as well as top-notch characters that are really varied in personality. Some of the best characters are the females and that’s what Unbridled treats us too. We get to see what Sarah and Darain were like when they were first betrothed, just how Vivian and Sage got together, and the dangers Rocky and Ellie went through to be together. Each story has it’s own mountain for the female to climb and each shows their individual strength. The stories are told in a setting where Alex is the point of interest, as her recent experiences have put her in a place where the females see that she needs support. So they offer it along with their experience in dealing with violence and subjugation. I thought it was great to see another side of each character and I enjoyed learning a bit of their history. Of course the romance is also incredibly worth it as well.

I think I enjoyed Grace and Dignity the most, because it shows how Sarah earned her place by Darian’s side. The woman has a backbone and she handles things in a way that show her strength all the while maintaining that graceful dignity that she is know for.

Overall I really enjoyed it and I recommend it to those who are looking for a great paranormal romance series. If you’ve already read Unforeseen and Unveiled then what are you waiting for?!

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  • Started reading
  • 12 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 12 October, 2013: Reviewed