Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent

Before I Wake (Soul Screamers, #6)

by Rachel Vincent

I died on a Thursday--killed by a monster intent on stealing my soul.
The good news? He didn't get it.
The bad news? Turns out not even death will get you out of high school...

Covering up her own murder was one thing, but faking life is much harder than Kaylee Cavanaugh expected. After weeks spent "recovering," she's back in school, fighting to stay visible to the human world, struggling to fit in with her friends and planning time alone with her new reaper boyfriend.

But to earn her keep in the human world, Kaylee must reclaim stolen souls, and...

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Reviewed by Kelly on

5 of 5 stars

After reading all six novels, I ended up falling in love with this series.
Eagerly awaiting the final novel.

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  • 29 August, 2012: Reviewed