Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

Overall I did find this to be an interesting story. In the beginning it was very slow and was kind of information overload especially about stuff that later on had nothing to do with the story. Towards the last two in a half hours of this audio book it got really interesting as we got to Time Travel and see what had happened there in the past.
Abby and Meredith had a rough start to their summer together. With Meredith feeling abandoned and unloved by her parents she's stopped with her grades and her own personal health. Slowly though Abby gets to her with the help of time traveling and learns why she acts the way she does and what's going on that makes her so closed off to the rest of the world. Through learning the history that had happened there in the past Abby gets Meredith to start caring again not only about others, but about herself as well and shows her that just because her parents aren't noticing these things doesn't mean that she should stop doing them. Instead, she should keep excelling for herself and maybe one day they will notice and if not than at least she is bettering herself.
I would highly recommend the audio book version of this just because of how slow it is in the beginning and without it I doubt you will want to know what happens when the time traveling starts. Michelle did an amazing job of distinguishing between the different character voices and I always knew who was talking.

Thank you to Michelle Babb (audio narrator) for giving me the opportunity to listen and review this book in return for my honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 17 December, 2015: Reviewed