When Gray Grayson borrowed that little pink Fiat, he never knew it would lead to a beautiful friendship with Ivy Mackenzie.
I knew from page 1, that I was going to love this book. The opening text messages properly set the tone for this book and the awesome friendship/relationship that would ensue. The texts were witty and adorable, and that pretty much matched my overall impression of The Friend Zone.
You've owned me from 'shenanigans', Ivy Mac.
There is so much to love about this book
I loved the characters - Ivy and Gray were so much fun to get to know. They had great chemistry and banter. Their exchanges kept me smiling and when I was not smiling, I was swooning.
A world without Ivy in it would be like a world without the sun - cold, dark, avoid of gravity. I'm pretty sure I'd drift aimlessly.
Seriously, for a reputed playboy, Gray had a knack for swoony talk.
I'm so lost in you, I don't ever want to find my way back.
Their friendship was a #goals kind of thing. They felt this connection for each other before they even met. It was all based on personality. That concept is quite idealistic, but I love it. This was a real slow burn. It was no secret to the reader how our hero and heroine felt about each other, but it took a LONG time for them to give in and act on their feelings. I actually thought I might explode waiting for this to happen.
I'm so gone on her, I don't know my left from my right anymore. She is my center line. All thoughts run through Ivy Mackenzie.
Not to worry, the only thing exploding was my heart from all the sweet-adorable-wonderfulness.
Callihan did an excellent job constructing these characters for me. She gave me the backstory necessary to understand why they did the things they did, and also, wrote them is such a way that I couldn't help but fall in love with them. Cupcake + Special Sauce = ah-mazing!
The sum of my existence equals you.
Overall: a great addition to this series, and dare I say, my favorite of the three.