Dark Prince by Christine Feehan

Dark Prince (Dark, #1)

by Christine Feehan

Raven Whitney is a psychic who has used her gift to help the police track down a serial killer. Now she is determined to escape the glare of recent publicity for the peace and quiet of the Carpathian Mountains. Despite her own emotional fatigue, Raven finds herself connecting psychically to another wounded individual somewhere close by. Prince Mikhail Dubrinsky is the leader of his people but, as his ancient Carpathian race grows ever closer to extinction, he is close to giving in to the heavy weight of loneliness and despair. Then a female voice enters his mind and tries to console him. Intrigued, Mikhail becomes obsessed with finding this unusual human female. From the moment their minds touch, Raven and Mikhail form a connection. But there are those who incorrectly view all Carpathians as vampires, and are determined to give their extinction a helping hand.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

I first tried reading this and after a chapter or two I had to put it down, I just wasn't feeling this kind of book at the time. But I had picked it up again, to give it a second chance and I'm glad I did, because it was quite a story. It was full of action, sex, and some sarcastic humor. I've heard this series is quite repetitious but that's ok, cause I can't read too many series books back to back. Especially not long series like this one. I also liked the short story Dark Descent although it had me a little confused about Gregori and being the lifemate of their princes daughter. Is she already born? How far after Dark Prince is Dark Descent is placed. Those are things that bugs me about books, they leave you with unanswered questions.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 January, 2013: Reviewed