Kiss the Night Goodbye by Keri Arthur

Kiss the Night Goodbye (Nikki and Michael, #4)

by Keri Arthur

Nikki James wants nothing more than to pass the Circle's strict entry exams so she can begin to plan her wedding to Michael Kelly. But when one of the testers attempts to kill her, she realises buying a wedding dress is the least of her worries. Especially when Michael is shot and kidnapped.

The trail leads her to the ghost-town where Michael once killed a murderer. She's not surprised to discover that Weylin Dunleavy, the brother of that long ago sorcerer, has set out to raise his brother's spirit from hell. With a barrier of magic surrounding the old town,...

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Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

This will quite possibly go up in my estimation when I get my hands on and read book 3.

Nikky is working on joining the circle when Michael is attacked and kidnapped. When she hunts him down she finds that he has lost his memory and she has to work at gaining his trust, and keep them both alive.

It's an interesting story, you can see the characters develop more and deal with their issues, they're both interesting and interested in getting the job done to the best of their ability without too much angst getting in the way.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2009: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2009: Reviewed