Finding Perfect by Susan Mallery

Finding Perfect (Fool's Gold, #3)

by Susan Mallery

When Pia O'Brian's best friend dies, Pia expects to inherit her cherished cat.

Instead, the woman leaves Pia three frozen embryos. With a disastrous track record in the romance department and the parenting skills of a hamster, Pia doesn't think she's meant for motherhood. But determined to do the right thing, Pia decides to become a single mother. Only to meet a gorgeous, sexy hunk the very same day.

A former foster-care kid now rich beyond his wildest dreams, Raoul Moreno runs a camp for needy children in Fool's Gold, California. After his last relationship,...

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  • Started reading
  • 2 September, 2010: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2010: Reviewed