All I Want Is You by Toni Blake

All I Want Is You (Coral Cove, #1)

by Toni Blake

Sometimes you have to create your own destiny ...Christy Knight grew up in Destiny, Ohio, but lately she feels that her future lies elsewhere. Her parents are gone and the beautiful jewelry she creates doesn't pay the bills. Maybe it's time for Christy to grow up and find a guy who's smart, sexy, and solvent. Her rugged handyman neighbor fits the first two categories, but he's all wrong for her. If only he didn't have such captivating blue eyes. Wary of trusting others, Jack DuVall hasn't been entirely honest with Christy. He's not really a handyman. He's not really broke. And sharing the long drive to visit her beloved grandpa isn't just about gallantry-he finds gorgeous, feisty Christy completely irresistible. When secrets are exposed, Jack and Christy struggle to find their way back to one another, but the quirky seaside town of Coral Cove could prove the perfect place to find a red-hot destiny of their own.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

All I Want Is You is the first in a new series by Toni Blake called Coral Cove. It offered up a wonderful, hot romance wrapped in up in a small-town tale. Blake delivers characters who experience, personal growth. They learn to love and trust and find something magical in the process Blake took me on a journey that made me laugh, shed a tear, and leap for joy.

Coffee Dates with All I Want is You

First Date: We meet Christy Knight and she is struggling with loss, financial woes and direction. I immediately liked her, despite the fact she was about to make a mistake in the name of family. When she locks herself out of her apartment, she reaches out to Jack DuVall a handyman who lives across the street. I immediately swooned. The man is ruggedly good looking with a five o’clock shadow and an easy smile. Add some nice abs and a tool belt and I am swooning. Beneath that smile, there is a whole lot of hurt and pain. Secrets, electric sexual tension and fleshed out characters have me fully engaged.

Second date: A trip to Coral Cove to visit her Grandpa has Jack tagging along and the sparks are flying; however, fear is keeping their emotions in check. A thunderstorm and a heated kiss show us the potential of this relationship and boy howdy am I rooting for these two! I am concerned about the secrets but also pleased with the growth we see in both characters. Ooo I love Coral Cove and all of its quirky characters. I fell hard for a giant iguana named Fi-Fi who is sure to make you smile. The secondary characters add charm, interest, offer advice and just make the whole town come to life. There is a second love story threaded through the tale that was interesting.

Third date: Family advice, moonlight walks and confessions have me holding my breath. There is some angst, but it is a good kind. The characters are growing, healing, learning and opening their hearts. I am smiling, swooning and hoping like crazy these two make it work.

All I Want is You offered up a delightful romance, with lessons and just enough heat to curl my toes. I ended my dates with a smile. I look forward to going back for more coffee with the next Coral Cove novel.

Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review that originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 29 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 April, 2014: Reviewed