Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

I was gifted a copy of The Viscount's Pleasure House when I was fortunate enough to meet the author in person...thanks Suzi Love.

Ms Love is a new author to me and being a fellow Aussie I wasn't sure what type of historical romance I'd get. I was surprised that it was an erotic historical with characters that jumped off the pages. We are introduced to the notorious Virile Viscount when Lady Chrissie, the heroine, comes to obtain his services. Unfortunately Justin, Viscount Hawkesbury, is not in the best mindset at the time and thinks she's a typical woman just after his body or to trap him into marriage. For Lady Chrissie this is not the case, she and her two friends want to learn how to please a man. The story unfolds with some laughs, some seriously hot scenes and some heartbreaking ones too. We learn why and how the women came to need the education and what they aim to achieve once they get it.

There are some scenes that are erotic, but most don't involve the main characters. The women see a few scenes acted out with courtesans and their customers, which makes it more voyeuristic. This to me made the situation easier to take as we aren't having the main characters interact with other people. I don’t particularly like seeing the hero or heroine “getting it on”, “making love” or “plundering” other people.

There was enough story to keep my interest and wasn't based solely around sex. We learn the personalities of the characters, some of their history and what their hopes and dreams for the future are.

There were a few spelling and grammar mistakes, but not enough to distract me too much. I really enjoyed the storyline and characters and will definitely be reading more from this author.

This review and more can be found at

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  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2015: Reviewed