Sisters of the Vast Black by Lina Rather

Sisters of the Vast Black (Sisters of Saint Rita, #1)

by Lina Rather

The sisters of the Order of Saint Rita captain their living ship into the reaches of space in Lina Rather's debut novella, Sisters of the Vast Black.

A Golden Crown Literary Society Award Finalist

Years ago, Old Earth sent forth sisters and brothers into the vast dark of the prodigal colonies armed only with crucifixes and iron faith. Now, the sisters of the Order of Saint Rita are on an interstellar mission of mercy aboard Our Lady of Impossible Constellations, a living, breathing ship which seems determined to develop a will of its own.

When the order receives a distress call from...

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Reviewed by shannonmiz on

5 of 5 stars

I know what you’re thinking- “nuns in space? Seriously?” and yes seriously why exactly can’t nuns be in space!? They can, and they are! (You know, fictionally speaking.) Anyway, I figured this one could be incredibly awesome, or incredibly hokey, but good news friends! It’s the former! It is hands down one of the best novellas I have ever read, I was shocked that I cared so deeply about all of the sisters aboard the ship in such a short time. The world was well done, the plot was a great blend of action and character development, and if you’re even a little curious, I’m gonna go ahead and implore you to grab this one.

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  • 1 December, 2019: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2019: Reviewed