The Highland Rogue by Amy Jarecki

The Highland Rogue

by Amy Jarecki

Fans of Diana Gabaldon and Hannah Howell will devour this Scottish romance about a courageous Highlander who falls for a strong-willed lass on the treacherous high seas.


After a vicious attack on his ship, Sir Kennan Cameron washes ashore on a deserted Scottish island, nearly dead. But he soon finds he's not as alone as he thought. Kennan knows he can't stay on the island, but neither can he leave the brave and bonny lass who has nursed him back to health-even if she is from a rival clan.


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Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars


The Highland Rogue is another delightful entry in the Lords of the Highland series and I loved it! A woman stranded on an island alone for years finds a man washed ashore. His ship was taken by pirates and he had to walk the plank.

Kennan is a 'royal' of sorts since his father is the leader of the clan. Divana was abandoned by her clan and left to die. They really are from two different worlds. Divana's clan was cruel but Kennan's is warm and welcoming, even to Divana! I like the slow build of feelings between Kennan and Divana. It takes our Highland Rogue a bit to get with the program!

Divana will steal your heart for sure! She watched her family die before her eyes and the managed to survive for years on this tiny island with nearly nothing. She is so thrilled to have even a lowly job for Sir Kennan that she can't believe her luck. Her world view is so different and its both sad and refreshing. Her life is such a contrast from the Highland Rogue's that it leads him (and others) to begin to evaluate their views. Gotta love a book that pushes social change!

While Divana's devotion to Kennan is obvious from the start (okay, well not those first few weeks on the island), Kennan's devotion takes time to build as he has to reevaluate his thoughts on what his life would be like. He would be breaking many rules marrying someone from another clan (an enemy clan at that) and someone well below his social standing. While the story is set in the past, many of the social issues are still prevalent today: Diviana is, for many reasons, a social pariah. She survived small pox and people treat her as if she could still be contagious. She was abandoned by her own clan (led by her uncle!). The Highland Rogue stole my heart just like the previous books in the series!


How to Love a Duke in 10 Days by Kerrigan Bryne, Brazen and the Beast by Sarah Maclean...then you will probably like The Highland Rogue!


The Highland Rogue

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  • 26 April, 2020: Finished reading
  • 26 April, 2020: Reviewed