Goldeline by Jimmy Cajoleas


by Jimmy Cajoleas

Goldeline travels through the woods with a group of bandits, getting by on the things they steal from passing carriages, but a man who wants to cleanse the Hinterlands of anyone who is different hunts Goldeline, believing her a witch.

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

3 of 5 stars

“I received this ARC as part of Miss Print’s ARC Adoption Program.”  This book was a bit odd and sort of a let down as i was expecting more of a magical twisted fairy tale but i felt i got more of a ghost story with a bit of a witch hunt mixed in.   Towards the end of the story the supporting character Tommy tells Goldeline "Our adventure over isn't it?"  Adventure I never thought of like that. I always just thought it was life. That line really sums up what i feel we got the story of Goldeline daughter of a witch, hunted by an evil preacher who claimed to love her mother, rescued and brought to a better life or is it.   I honestly felt like that was going to be end of the story but Goldenline is walking out on the new life in search of answers that are hiding in the dark woods with a creepy old woman.  I just not sure i really got the whole point of the story nor do i think it would be received well by those who buy for middle grade children.  I gave it a 3 star as i interested me enough to see where the story would go but left me felling more confused then when i started. 

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  • 2 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2017: Reviewed