Elastic Hearts by Claire Contreras

Elastic Hearts (Hearts, #3)

by Claire Contreras

Victor Reuben. Most sought out divorce attorney in LA. Nicole Alessi. Soon to be ex-wife of Hollywood's biggest star, Victor’s latest client and his boss's daughter. In such a high profile divorce, they can't afford any extra drama. Luckily, neither one of them has anything to hide. Unless you count the mind blowing sex they had… Once… Twice… Three times all those years ago. As long as they leave the past where it belongs, they’ll be fine. But with her wearing those tight dresses and him giving her those heated glances, keeping their hands to themselves is proving to be more difficult than either one of them realized. It won't be long before the paparazzi start to smell smoke, and where there's smoke...

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

First off, I would like to say that while this book had a different feel than the previous books in the series, it kind of has a similarity: second-chance romance. Not entirely since they were sexually involved only BUT Nicole's feelings were involved and Victor's feelings were getting involved so to me it feels like a second-chance romance. Anyway, I enjoyed this so freaking much! It really does have a lighter feel to it with humorous banter that I very much enjoyed.

Nicole and Victor had a sexual relationship while Victor was working as an attorney at Nicole's father's firm. One day, Victor puts a stop to it and right after, Nicole meets the guy she ends up marrying. Years later, Nicole is filing for divorce and her dad only trusts Victor to handle the case. Sexual tension arises for both and soon, feelings start to follow.


The relationship between Nicole and Victor was amazing!Their dynamic, conversations, relationship, sexy times ;) were amazing. I was eagerly reading their story, wanting more and more. They fit each other so well. The romance was OFF THE CHARTS! There was so much sexual tension between these two and when they finally got to the feelings part, I was blown away. They are so caring for one another.

I realized that underneath all that pissed-off exterior I knew there was a caring man, one who would comfort me even when I didn't want to be comforted.

The main characters. Victor is definitely... Hot. Plain and simple. He's like the hot alpha male. We knew about him in the previous books but here you will see a whole new side of him that you will love! Nicole is a character—personality wise—that I think can be relate-able. She has endured so much because of her husband and she's finally said enough. She's strong and determined and loves deeply.

"You know what's funny? The world seems to think that women are the chasers after a one-night stand. That we go along with it and then are all broken-hearted when the guy doesn't call, because  God forbid we use what's between our legs to have fun the way guys do." [...] "So I think it's funny that you, Mr. I have work to do. I had a good time came over here to chase me down."

The side characters! We also have characters from the previous books and man, I loved reading about them! It made me get all the feels for Oliver and Elle, and Jensen and Mia. One side character I didn't like at first but ended up liking was Nicole's soon-to-be-ex-husband because from what the reader gets, he grows a lot throughout the story. He treated Nicole very badly and took her for granted. He made her life hell. But along the way, you can see him trying to change, not for Nicole but for himself. Even Nicole notices the change in him.

Heart-breaking moments. They were so sad! I wanted to grab Nicole and Victor and hug them really tight and comfort them. The beginning alone had me thinking WHY?! I mean, the reasons were stated but still! These moments made me feel so much and they brought more depth to how each character is and how they handle certain situations.

"There is no us, Nicole. There never was. We were friends, we had sex, but that was it."

Hilarious and sexy banter. Now this, I highly enjoyed. Nicole and Victor are so open with one another and tell it how it is when they need to and this causes lots of fun banter between them and then other times, it causes sexy banter!

"You're the one calling meetings at crazy hours."

"And you're the one who's coming, no questions asked."

"That's how I usually like to come. No questions asked."

Overall, this was a fun story with enough feels to keep you intrigued until the very end. To say I want more of Nicole and Victor is an understatement. They were brilliant characters that I loved and their story was beautiful despite all the ugly that happened.

I received an eARC from the author for free in exchange for an honest review.

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 March, 2016: Reviewed