Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Tessa Bailey writes a delightful story about two people who use verbal quips as foreplay. Everything about Brent Mason irritates Hayden Winstead, especially his smart mouth. Unfortunately, they are constantly thrown together because their two best friends are in love. Brent works for the NYPD emergency service. He is an explosives expert and referrers to his job as “blower-up of shit.” He is big, ruggedly handsome, cocky and used to women falling all over him. Hayden run a charitable foundation and her father contributes the money she uses to run the organization. Hayden continually lets Brent know he annoys her and Brent thinks she isn’t interested in him because she is wealthy and he comes from a blue collar background. From the moment they meet, they constantly argue and bicker. They are attracted to one another, but they love to provoke each other. I love their verbal volleys and sarcastic remarks to each other.

I thoroughly enjoyed ASKING FOR TROUBLE it is fast paced, witty and entertaining. When Brent and Hayden get together, they are sexually explosive, but they aren’t sure they like each other. This is the forth book in the Line of Duty series and each one is a stand-alone. All the guys in this series are hot, alpha-cops. I loved the funny verbal banter between all the characters. Can two people from opposite ends of the social spectrum, have a long term relationship?

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 10 November, 2013: Reviewed