Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Last night I made the mistake of thinking that I would read a little bit before I went to bed. While we were out yesterday, my husband went into Bass Pro with my almost preschooler daughter to see the fish and I stayed in the car with my sleeping almost toddler and read the preview of Love Finds You in Mackinac Island on my Nook. Having enjoyed what I read I was looking forward to a few more chapters or so before bed to really get into the story. The problem was I could not put it down, nor did I until early this morning when I was able to turn the final page. I found myself grinning and giddy to go on. When my baby woke in the night with her normal moan to be nursed, I was in my mind, ...but but I need to keep going!... :)

I'm not sure if this is my first read from [a:Melanie Dobson|409350|Melanie Dobson|] or not, I'd have to check on that, but I can guarantee it will not be my last. In fact, yesterday I was able to buy for free another of her LFY novels in a promotion perhaps for this one's release coming in August, [b:Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa|10128390|Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa|Melanie Dobson||18932560]. (Okay, just checked, I have two more novels by her on my shelves somewhere, but now others on a wishlist - a new favorite author!)

This book reads with a similar flavor as [a:Cara Lynn James|3084389|Cara Lynn James|] and [a:Lorna Seilstad|3319050|Lorna Seilstad|] in their summer vacation series - two other fairly new favorite authors. There is an enchanting location (the first LFY novel that I read that actually makes me want to book a trip) and possible budding romance with a hint of Cinderella and mystery and some scenes that make me gasp (hoping I won't wake my husband from slumber). LFY in Mackinac Island Michigan has all of the elements that I crave and I was delighted from the beginning to the end. Please give me more like this!

*Thanks to Summerside Press for providing a copy for review through Litfuse Tours.*

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  • 24 July, 2012: Reviewed
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  • 24 July, 2012: Reviewed