Bone Parish Vol. 1 by Cullen Bunn

Bone Parish Vol. 1 (Bone Parish, #1)

by Cullen Bunn

A necromantic horror series about an upstart crime family trafficking in a new designer drug that’s just hit the market made from the ashes of the dead.

A new drug is sweeping through the streets of New Orleans—one made from the ashes of the dead. Wars are being fought over who will control the supply, and the demand is rising. While the various criminal factions collide, users begin to experience terrifying visions of the dead coming back to life...through them. Eisner Award-nominated author Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, The Empty Man) and illustrator Jonas Scharf team up for Bone...Read more

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of Bone Parish Vol. 1 through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Bone Parish is one of those series that I went in not really too sure what to expect, only to be completely blown away with the results. I can’t say for certain if this series is my favorite read of the year, but it surely is high up on the list (a purely theoretical list, since I am too lazy to write one out).
The series follows one family as they try to become the new drug lords of the land. Only thing is, unlike many other drug families out there…they can’t expand the same way. There’s a limit on the drug they’re selling…but at least they’re keeping it in the family. Meanwhile the city can’t seem to get enough of the stuff – literally.
Bone Parish is from the minds of Cullen Bunn (The Empty Man, Harrow County) and Jonas Scarf (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, House of Waxwork). The two work shockingly well together. Jonas Scarf’s darker art style perfectly portrays the disturbing elements of Cullen Bunn’s story.

Bone Parish is as enthralling as it is bone chilling. I know that sounds blasé, but I honestly do mean it. Every new twist and revelation had me on the edge of my seat. I honestly was surprised by many of the scenes I was shown, while still being eager for more.
The Winters family is not what you’d expect for a family of drug dealers (and makers, for that matter). I liked that they were different. I loved how different each character ended up being. Everyone in the family had their own motivations and their own skeletons to deal with. It made for a disturbing family telling…but it worked so well.
The mother and the daughter are by far the most interesting characters, in my opinion. Their experiences and actions being put in direct comparisons of one another, showing the different ways of handling loss and inspiration.
As for the drug itself…wow. I know it’s probably something that has been seen before, but the way it was handled here was pretty brilliant. I love the different forms it can take, depending on the…ingredients. I also love the concept of its production being constantly capped. It raises all sorts of questions about supply, demand, cost, and value. This made for a refreshing change of pace, in my opinion.
I honestly can’t wait for the next volume to come out. I’m actually tempted to switch over to reading this issue by issue, just so I can get back to it sooner.

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks

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  • 28 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2018: Reviewed