Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

4 of 5 stars

Katrina Lewis never realized how much one e-mail could change your life. As the new volunteer librarian at the Lauder Lake Library, she was looking for a program to entertain the children when she decided to try and locate Adrian Graves, the writer of the theme song to Maxwell MacGillikitty, Feline Private Eye, her four-year-old daughter Abbey’s favorite TV show.

Adrian was not receptive to the idea of playing at the library, but Katrina eventually convinces him to show up. Katrina is also hoping that his appearance at the library can be a boost in his career. Although Adrian is not what she expected, he was a hit with the kids, and a bit of a hit with Katrina herself. She hasn’t had any interest in a man since her husband was killed three years ago, but she finds there is something compelling about Adrian.

As their sparks begin to sizzle into a true romance, Katrina is shocked when she finds out that her Adrian Graves is also “Digger” Graves, lead guitarist for the Corroded Corpses, her brother’s favorite heavy metal band growing up.

Katrina feels the fool for not realizing her new lover is actually the former rock star, who before he disappeared from the limelight was heavy in the whole sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll lifestyle. She confronts Adrian on his duplicity, but finds she understands more than she thought she would why he hid that part of his life that he long since put behind him.

Adrian walked away from rock stardom and got his life cleaned up ten years ago. After years of heavy drug use and being used by his manager, his friends, his ex-wife, and his estranged daughter, Adrian was delighted to find someone who just treated him as Adrian Graves, the unknown musician. Over the next few weeks, Adrian gives Kat a look into his battered soul and walks her through the ugly world of rock stardom.

And ugly though his scars may be, it just might be Katrina’s scars that keep them from finding true happiness. Although Adrian is willing to open up his life and pain to her, Kat hasn’t fully comes to terms with the sudden, tragic loss of her husband. If Kat continues to keep the ghost of her dead husband between them, she might just lose the man who would fill the emptiness in her life, as much as she fills the emptiness in his.

Absolutely compelling. I just loved these characters and their dynamics. Little Abbey is, of course, adorable and opens her heart to Adrian as only an innocent child could. Adrian was on the road when his own daughter was young and was never able to truly develop a relationship with her. Abbey accepts and loves Adrian in a way his own daughter never did.

Although Adrian cleaned himself up, without the drugs and his music, he really didn’t have anything in his life. Meeting Kat and Abbey made him realize that he was existing, but not really living, and Adrian knows that they are the best thing that ever happened to him. (Again, my favorite, the damaged hero trope.)

Although Kat thinks she has moved on from her husband’s death, she too just exists to take care of her daughter. She has family and friends who supported her emotionally but she never truly shared her grief with anyone and keeps her memories of her lost husband to herself. Whenever Adrian visits Kat and Abbey, he is surrounded by photos of the man that he is in a way competing with, but Kat won’t speak of her dead husband to Adrian.

I enjoyed watching this story unfold and watch these characters heal each other as their feelings blossomed.

Received an ARC from courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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  • 10 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2013: Reviewed