Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent (Divergent, #1)

by Veronica Roth

She turns to the future in a world that's falling apart.

The No. 1 New York Times bestseller DIVERGENT - also a major motion picture.

For sixteen-year-old Tris, the world changes in a heartbeat when she is forced to make a terrible choice. Turning her back on her family, Tris ventures out, alone, determined to find out where she truly belongs.

Shocked by the brutality of her new life, Tris can trust no one. And yet she is drawn to a boy who seems to both threaten and protect her. The hardest choices may yet lie ahead....

The first book in the DIVERGENT series that has swept the globe - selling millions of copies world-wide.

Reviewed by lovelybookshelf on

4 of 5 stars

I'm a sucker for dystopian fiction, whether it's a classic such as Fahrenheit 451 or The Handmaid's Tale, or a more recent title such as The Hunger Games or Wool. Last week I (finally!) gave Veronica Roth's Divergent a try. I'm going to try to stay vague so that I don't spoil the story for anyone.

The society in Divergent doesn't seem all that bad, though I disagree with the "seemingly perfect" description mentioned in the synopsis. I mean, the "factionless" are right there from the start, and I wouldn't call their situation perfect by any means. People seem to have the choice of which faction they wish to belong to, but it's a permanent decision (no changing factions later on) and not a guarantee.

There is a romance which takes a good while to develop. It's not overdone at all. There are also a couple of silly girly moments which reminded me that this is a YA novel, but truly, these moments were very brief.

You know what I loved most about this book? Tris wasn't a perfect, put-her-up-on-a-pedestal kind of heroine. She does possess all of the qualities important in a great protagonist, but she also has a darker side and we see her flaws clearly.

Divergent is the first in a series, so it ends on a cliffhanger. This is a fun, entertaining page-turner you don't have to think about too deeply. I can't wait to read the other books and find out what happens next.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2013: Reviewed